Linky Electricity Meters from the horse's mouth.. more or less

It can be a simple solution to move your meter and not necessarily expensive. We had ours moved recently for 190€ + TVA. But, and it is a big BUT, the price will depend upon the distance to it’s new resting place and how much of the preparation work you are happy or able to do, i.e. trench digging, supplying your own câble, drilling access holes through walls etc.

Thanks for your suggestion Geoff. It’s a logical approach! My post was to find out if there is anyone out there, with an old meter box in an inconvenient place, who was able to have the new Linky meter installed in a different place. I need to ask Enedis if this can be easily done. The meter box is old and battered and will perhaps be replaced, so it could perhaps be positioned in a different place on the pole and the Linky installed inside.

I managed to get Enedis to not only take out the supply that was precariously fixed to a pole sticking out of the roof of the extension to the rear of the house but to run a new supply to the end of the stable (20 ‘mts long adjoining the house) and install the linky box there. This was all free but I did manage to play up the safety aspect. All I had to do was run a 25 metre length of five core cable (triphase’) into the house to feed the tableau.