Live in the Marne, interested in WW1, or just in how we commemorate things

A BBC piece about discovery of a bombed tunnel in Marne WW1 battlefield containing bodies of hundreds of German soldiers.

Uncovered by an amateur and now vulnerable to pillage…

Should he have tried to find it? And what should French and German authorities now do?

Good link Jane. I’m sure there will be many views but my own, having toured the WW1 battle fields several times, is that the poor wretches that died there should be brought up and buried in a German war cemetery. They deserve recognition. I also think there should be an archaeological dig and then the site should be protected.

Doing nothing seems like sweeping the whole dreadful event under the carpet to me. All just a bit too convenient.


I agree, after all this time they should be given some respect.
After all they did not have any choice but to fight.
The British dead were given individual graves by the French but the Germans were buried three to one grave.


They should do the same with them as they did for the 400 odd souls at the tunnel at Mont Cornillet, rebury them in a cemetery with honours.


My grandfather was in the German Army, as a doctor, during the first battle of the Marne in 1915. When the Germans retreated he and nine colleagues stayed at the field hospital with the wounded and he was captured by the French. As a Pow he was later court martialed by the French for another matter (long story involving a stolen cow).

He was acquitted, in part because the mayor and several civilians from Lizy dur Ourq spoke up for him, and said he had properly treated wounded French soldiers and civilians. I was proud of him…and also that the transcript noted that he spoke French correctly.

At the end of the day we are all human so respect needs to be given regardless of nationality.


When we went to the centenary remembrance for the Battle of Loos we were the only family who had members fighting on both sides.

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Now that it has been found and the location known, the French authority reponsible for these things, in association with the German equivalent, should do as John Scully suggests. If left as is, it will soon be trashed by looters.

As a Western Front battlefield guide I was fortunate to see the whole process, as might be the case at this tunnel, when the mass grave was discovered at Pheasant Wood, Fromelles, from the fencing off of the area to the ceremony of dedication. These men deserve the same respect.

Anyone going to Fromelles, after paying their respects, would do well to refresh themselves at Le Chat Noir…