Looking for a personal assistant

Hi guys!

I really really need help with getting someone around the Annecy area to work for a client of mine as a personal assistant (someone who cooks great food and run errands for him and has a driver’s license but car will be provided). What do you think is the best platform/way to do it as? It’s been weeks and I still haven’t found someone yet. HELP!

If you want someone British and they don’t already need to be located locally then an ad in The Lady magazine is the place for this sort of thing

I need her to be based locally in Annecy as she needs to the cooking.

Pole emploi
Asso de services à la personne

Not offering but does the candidate need to be female?

Yes, she does.

Sounds like a fulltime job on offer …
Have you tried the Annecy Pole d’Emploi ??

Are the salary on offer and the conditions right? Currently there are jobs available everywhere, so needs to be attractive. Try online services like jemepropose.com or for higher end cookimg https://www.madameestservie.net/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkO-JrsP7-QIVB7LVCh2HagQLEAAYASAAEgKwmvD_BwE

Legally you can’t specify that you only want a female, that’s discrimination.


Beat me to it Jane. :wink: As with @Mat_Davies, I am not offering but I do wonder why as I can think of nothing that only a woman can do. And I am not being flippant, I did ask one of our Aides who looks after Fran if she has male clients too, her reply was that she does not but only her choice because, being English, she feels she doesn’t have the language skills for men’s needs at the moment, but all her colleagues do. She did not know if there were male aides on the staff but thought that there were.

Me too, but the opposite. I do exactly what the female aides do with my wife 3 times a week, but I do it just as capably 11 times a week and, if the authorities didn’t recognise that they would be obliged to make other arrangements.

Have you not seen on the tv the ways both male and female ambulance para medics cope with all the different people they come across? Even when there is a mixed crew, as there often is, I have never seen a male defer to the female when dealing with an aged woman for instance, or the female one insisting on taking over.

Now if we are talking about comparative strangers then there is a difference. My wife is far more inclined to go along with what is required from a visitor than with me, but that has absolutely nothing to do with gender. Purely the nature of the illness.

I see, thanks so much.

Not necessarily. Myself and my female friends went to a male gynaecologist who was hugely better that precious female gynaes we tried.

The only reason I’m requesting/looking for a female it’s because of my client’s preference. I personally don’t have any gender biases as long as they can cook well and do what needs to be done.

It might be that what you consider Personal Assistant is actually more of a Cook/Personal Carer… and I’m just wondering how clearly you’ve been describing the job, as you’ve not found someone yet… excellent Cooking seems to be the priority…

Why? Cooking food, running errands and driving aren’t restricted to one sex. I can understand an old-fashioned little old lady wanting a female amanuensis but don’t see many legit reasons why a man would be so specific.
Anyway as I said try Pôle Emploi and asso de services à la personne.

If you are still looking for those services, I might be able to help you.


When you say “a client of mine”, are you in fact a recruitment agency or is the person your client in a different context? Because if you are not a recruitment agency yourself, perhaps that is your answer, go to a recruitment agency.

You could be right, depending on your client’s level of competance, healthwise. I posed the question to our regular aide de toilette and she said that there is an exception to the descrimination law which allows personal choice to take precedence.