Looking for English singers for linguistics study (Paris)

Hi everyone! Please forgive me if this isn’t the right category to post this in.

I’m a PhD student in linguistics at Univeristé Paris Cité and I’m currently looking for people to participate in an experimental study on pronunciation in the singing voice. If you are or know a singer (man, from England, living in Paris) or want more information you can contact me (coline.caillol@gmail.com or coline.caillol@etu.u-paris.fr). Don’t hesitate to spread the word and share with other people too, I really need all the help I can get! Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Edit: as a new user, I can only attach one side of the flyer but I’d be happy to send you the other side which provides more detail on the experiment itself, even if you’re just curious!

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Unfortunately not living in Paris, but meet the other requirements, and I doubt my cantata would reach that far from the Auvergne, but good luck with your experiment.

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How interesting….I have many discussions with my singing teacher about the difficulty my English accent causes. Hope it gives some interesting insights.

Unfortunately I’m female. Good luck with it.

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No love for any Welsh (or Scottish or Northern Irish) men living in Paris…? :frowning:

(just to be clear, I neither live in Paris nor am I a singer)

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Presumably, the inflections from already sing-songy languages/accents might affect the expected outcomes - ooh, did someone just mention experimental bias ?

I still think it has the potential to be an interesting study. There has long been a perception of linkage between pronunciation in foreign language learning and the ability to sing (or have a musical ear) - I wonder if that has anything to do with this study ?

Unfortunately, I can’t say much more about the study to avoid influencing any potential participants reading this, but it doesn’t have to do with foreign language acquisition (though there is indeed a strong link there!)

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I know it’s a bit unfair but the selection criteria have to be very narrow at this stage of the experiment :frowning:

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