Looking for formation continue/ professionelle in business French / communication orales/écrite

Hi everyone! Wave from Marseille.

It's been a year and a half that I've set up my AE in sustainability management, under the Code of 'conseil pour entreprises.' So far, all of my contracts are old leads from my previous company back in Hong Kong, so I am advising Anglo-American clients via email, telephone and video-conferencing. I work exclusively in English, and sometimes in Chinese.

I am hoping to start offering my services to local clients here, but when I meet potential collaborators and clients here I feel that my 'business French' comes short (whilst my general French level is between C1 & C2) when I need to convince and negotiate. I reckon it is more than a vocabulary issue, so I am looking for some professional training to help brush up my business French / professional communications skills in French. As we all pay the "contribution pour la formation professionnelle" as AE, I reckon this could be the kind of course considered well relevant to my work and thus reimbursable.

So far, I cannot locate any such training programme / courses available (e.g. course at Alliance Française are not eligible.) Has anyone of you come across, or been on any of such training? Could you please recommend them to me? Where would be a good place to look for these courses?

Many thanks in advance!


x Monika

Hi Monika

While setting up our French Language School (yes, indeed: www.atlantique.pro - call or write me if you want to know more :)) we have had very good help from our local Tec Ge Cop. ("Depuis sa création en 1982, TEC.GE.COOP est un opérateur des politiques de la création d'entreprises et d'emplois.") My partner has been on different training programmes there, relating to setting up a business as an AE - and I am sure that if you find the Tec Ge Cop in your area they will be willing to help you. At least our experience with them has been ten times better than with the Pole Emploi.



I see! I have been to Pole Emploi but the consultant was not very helpful. I have not spoken to them about training, though. Maybe that's the way to go.

thanks for your advice :)

Hi Monika

As an AE you are eligable to sign on to Pole Emploi (you need to say that in addition to working as an AE you are also looking for a full time job)

It takes a bit of time to fill out the forms and you would have to meet a Pole Emploi consultant, but they are a good resource for finding the right course for you. I am an AE and arrange all my courses and training through them

Bon chance!

It might help if you reword the title- it comes across as very vague and it seems that you are offering this course so most people wouldn't bother to look at the post.

Try something like 'business french language help needed' or check out the Learn French group to see if they have any ideas.

anyone? pleeaaassse~~