Making Compost

We have a carp pond which works pretty well too. No mossies.

In my experience the plug-in repellent things using high frequency sound don’t work, and the chemical ones with little bottles aren’t great either. The only ones that seem to work are the old fashioned tablet-on-a-hot-bit ones and I 'm not happy sleeping in that atmosphere, hence the carnivorous plants trial.

I seem to have quite a lot of baby ones as they self-seed prolifically - they are these
I tried them because they were supposedly easy to grow and they certainly seem to be. They drink a lot of water, which has to be lime free (I use the water out of our dehumidifier).
I’ll PM you

Found similar with egg shells. Now I collect them up separately and when I have a bucket full I chuck them in the blender too. Goes round the plants as an anti-slug barrier

You must have a pretty powerful blender
 Do you find that egg shells actually work? Coffee grounds don’t!

We have had a couple, the latest one seems to work well:

I am sure I have seen them on offer for approx 140 euros.

We now put everything through it - the result is excellent compost.

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I’ll show that one to my partner as he broke the last one :smiley: Thanks very much for the suggestion Mat

40 year old kenwood inherited from my mother
 not a jug blender, but a round container on amazingly heavy base. Haven’t broken it yet (but probably will tomorrow!). I have two broken shredders

I amuse myself with snail assault courses, and probably the snails too. They have to navigate a ring of gravel, then a coffee puck wall, and finally a ditch of egg shells. The hardiest ones do make it
 tho’ usually after its rained and my wall has collapsed.

However night time snail hunts are the best.

They are, aren’t they? Now we aren’t so heavily involved in house moves etc, we might even manage some this year :face_with_hand_over_mouth: