March 3rd 2020: Change of driver’s license to French: new process

Saying ‘oui’ has clearly caused a problem so what’s the point with carrying on down that route?

I scanned loads of docs when I applied for an International Driving Permit a few months back and that wasn’t a problem.

I ticked Oui (one time) and it made no difference… I think Bob was concerned because the next question asked if one has a Titre de Sejour (which as brits we do not)… :roll_eyes: I wonder if he was “over-thinking” things…

I hope it will be simpler for me now, last time I tried to exchange my UK licence for a French one they said I needed a letter from the Fr Consulate to explain why I was in the UK and why that’s where I passed my driving test - they rather surprisingly couldn’t cope with the fact that in France I am French, in the UK British, have no need for a titre de séjour in either and got my driving licence in the place I don’t happen to live in now. Ludicrous.

Vero… please do give the ANTS site a go… I’m relying on you to lead the way … :hugs: :hugs: :crazy_face:

I went all the way to the wire this morning … but, as I already have a French Permit… I couldn’t take that final step … but it does seem straight forward…

Now I’m really confused. The card that British citizens have applied for and have been given as members of EU resident in France is a Titre de Sejour. It has the words Titre de Sejour in big letters across the top of the front of the card.
What do you mean that Brits don’t have a Titre de Sejour? What does your CdS/TdS UE say?

Thank you Sue.

Dan… it has not been obligatory/necessary for Brits to have a CdS/TdS… having a european passport has been sufficient for many many years … as per other europeans

which is why most will tick the Non box…

However, some people have insisted on obtaining a CdS/TdS long before they have actually needed one… in which case they will tick the Oui box…

Most of us are waiting for the new system to open in July 2020 and then we can apply in orderly fashion for the CdS/TdS which applies to our particular situation… post-Brexit.

I know that. However you wrote quite clearly, ‘the next question asked if one had a Titre de Sejour (which as Brits we do not)
My point is that thousands of Brits do have a Titre de Sejour. In fact I’m really surprised that you don’t have one yourself. I know that there has been no need for you to have one but I’m also aware that the British Embassy in Paris and RIFT have been recommending that all British Citizens resident in France apply for them for the past few years.
I found it very confusing when you implied that a Titre de Sejour is something that no Brit could have.

I just tried to modify my application & I can’t as it’s too late…
So, if I tick the box saying that I declare all I have stated to be true, then that will be a false declaration, because of the titre de séjour question…
If I do nothing my application will go no further

sorry Dan… my replies were regarding the applications of Bob and myself… neither of us has TdS… (nor do most Brits as far as I am aware…)

I have no idea why thousands of Brits should already have a TdS ??? It has not been necessary until Brexit actually came to pass… :crazy_face: and that was never a foregone conclusion…

Have you saved your application somehow?

We know several people that have had them for years, regardless of whether they were needed or not.

Yes; I know of a few… but “thousands”…??? If that is really true, no wonder the French Gov stopped accepting applications … total waste of resources…in my view.

There are at least 150k Brits living in France so I don’t doubt 0000’s have a TDS.

Oh well…another forest gone to waste…

Beggars belief… that so many folk would do something so unnecessary… :crazy_face:

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It appears that you pass a certain point of no return
Strangely, I see that maybe I can delete my demand…but of course, can’t find how to do so


I think you will find it in Brouillon… and you click on “Actions” in the menu to “supprime” it

Phew, I’ve just supprimed my one that I started today… :hugs:

It was far from UNnecessary or a waste. We have had our TdS for two years now on the advice of (I think) British in France (or some equivalent organisation) at the time. Doing it early meant (a) there was no panic for us and the delays were minimal (b) we were sending very clear messages to our local commune that we’re committed to France at a moment when there was some pretty negative stuff going on in the press (c ) all our paperwork is filed / sorted / done /dusted with the necessary authorities and it will be incredibly easy to swap our current TDS for the new ones. And we were certainly far from alone in doing all this in a timely manner.

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Hi Sue… you made your decision and that is fair enough.

We made the decision to not apply for something which we did not need.

Having been in France for a long time, we are well integrated and leave no-one in any doubt as to our commitment to this country et al. :hugs:

Perhaps you could edit your previous post to make it clear that you were talking about two individuals not the British population in general.
I’m actually surprised that you are so unaware of the situation regarding British Citizens in France applying for and being issued CdS/TdS, the advice from the British Embassy and the work carried out by RIFT. The topic has been covered on SFN in great detail too.
There are thousands of British Citizens resident in France who have a CdS/TdS UE and, surprisingly, many prefectures including Angoulême and Poitiers are still issuing them even now! Their holders will find the next stage, applying for the actual residency card you will need after July 2021 much more straightforward.