May Day Fete in St. Puy, 32310, Gers


As there seems to be nothing happening in the Midi-pyrenees :-) how about going along to the May Day English / French Fete at St. Puy (Nr. Condom ). If last year is anything to go by, a good time will be had by all. And there's Fish and Chips there .....

Hi All,

The mayday people are at it again on Sunday the 25th May at St. Puy in the Gers.
A fabulous day was had by all last year and there's no reason to think this year will be any different !!!

Of course, Fish and Chips will be available again cooked and served by Cod-en-Bleu.

Martin Pittaway - I think the attached will provide all you need.

Hope to see you there


Who are the organisers please.

Sounds likea good idea Tony - thanks!