Maybe Brittany is the place to invest in

North Brittany might well be a good investment - with heatwaves/global warming causing folk to seek the refreshing coastal regions.

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It was 35 degrees here yesterday Stella!

that’s cool, definitely cool. :relaxed:

did you have any breeze ??

Last night at 23h04 and 27 seconds it was 35° in my bedroom…I know because I took a photo of the display of my radio controlled clock/thermometer ! :sweat::sweat::sweat:

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Out on the bike yesterday afternoon, average temperature 40°, max 45° = 85km of very sticky training :fire::fire::fire:

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Gracious me -you are a glutton for punishment. Where are you intending to cycle next - the Sahara ?? :laughing::upside_down_face::wink:

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I spent a fortnight on a bicycle in Upper Egypt, in August. 44/46 ° C.
I drank about 6 litres of water a day and didn’t pee once.
Sha’n’t be doing that again :laughing:


We visited Egypt in 2005. Most of the visits took place at about 7am because it was too hot later on. Phew, today’s heat brings back those memories.

Wonderful country and people - love to go back again, one day.

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Interesting to see that digressions have entered the conversation even before any answers are offered to the question raised! But if we are to take it as a serious question then I would have to suggest that the answer is: probably, yes. But now is not a good time to be selling in North Brittany. We have just decided to postpone the sale of our property in the Cotes d’Armor until next year. We have owned it since 2004, but local advice (Notaire, Estate Agent and Surveyor) are all agreed that we could expect to now receive at best 85/90% of what we paid 15 years ago. The market hasn’t recovered from the 2008 crash (remember that?) and growth is slow. So better news for investors than for disinvestors!

If you can “market” your property as an “escape from the heatwave” - folk might come flocking to your door.:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

Sad it’s been dragging on like this for you. Hoping things will take a turn for the better, sooner rather than later.

I think it might have been a rhetorical question


I’ve changed the title - now we can have good discussion :laughing::hugs:


Take care Andrew :upside_down_face: (this chap had passed all the medicals etc, even so … )

Thanks Stella, very sad news. It’s a race I’ve done twice (the XXL 170km) and I have a handful of mates who were riding it yesterday. I’ve seen so many crashes, not heat related, too that I’ve stopped riding most of the cyclosportives. You’re never 100% safe - we’ve got one club member who has been racing all his life but recently has had to stop due to heart problems but they still don’t know what the problem is. Another had a heart attack during a club ride and crashed. He’s ok now and has bought an electrically assisted bike and is cycling “gently”. I’ll be up the Tourmalet, amongst others, this week as we’re having a few days down the road in the Pyrénées but the weather should be a little cooler :smiley:

Just take care - don’t let your enthusiasm drown out the little voice of common sense :thinking:

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Take care Andrew.

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