Meteo Orange Alert - Well that was (not) an anticlimax!

Still clearing up from yesterdays storm - pool full of mud that appeared from the field behind us - i have hoovered the worst off the bottom and am now running the filtration in the hope it clears / allows me to carry on hoovering the muck off the bottom when i can actually see it :anguished:
The upside is the Tonnelle survived - we had bolted each leg down this year, seems to work !

Ouch! So sorry to hear that Peter. We used to get the mud from the field behind us in our drive, until a solid wall of large boulders was built up the bank and we bought a “ransom strip” along the edge of the field from our neighbouring farmer, so he no longer ploughed right to the edge. That strip is now a wonderful tangle of brambles. Keeps the mud in his field. :grin: