Micro Entreprise: Getting a refund on the CFE?

Hi there,

Reading through the news on the internet I’ve landed on something quite interesting and thought I’d share it with you, as it concerns the ‘Taxes consulaires’ included in your CFE tax, and you might be able to save some money!

It turns out that every micro entrepreneur (formerly auto entrepreneur) is actually exempt from these taxes; this means that if your CFE has increased you are probably eligible for an exemption. Yes you read that right!

Articles 1600A and 1601-0 A of the CGI (Code Général des Impôts) clearly state that you are already paying these taxes through the ACOSS when you pay your social taxes (the percentage of taxes you pay on your turnover to the URSSAF or RSI).

If you’ve already paid that tax for 2017 you can ask for a refund (or ask for an exemption if you haven’t paid already).

To do so you’ll have to go through the process of sending a registered letter that you should send to your local SIE (service des impôts des entreprises of your Département).

I’m providing a template to ask for a refund if you think you are eligible that you can also download here - docx (just change the fields highlighted in yellow) and don’t forget to attach an attestation from the URSSAF or the RSI stating that you are covered and you’ve paid (attestation de droit à jour or simply your latest attestation you received from them. Ideally this will be the document you receive containing the breakdown of your social taxes you have paid or that you are going to pay).

Hoping this will help you save some money on your tax bill in 2018!



modele.pdf (22.1 KB)


A good heads-up, thank you Fabien!

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How nice… good news… I’m sure there will be folk grinning happily when they read this thread…:grinning:

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Just checked and my CFE stayed the same so I won’t be one of them, but good to know that my tax office is on the ball.

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Not for this year but don’t forget to look each year in case they make a mistake you know you can claim the difference :wink:

Thanks Fabien! Mine stayed pretty much the same too. But will watch in future…

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