MLP would win today

No, not there, more. This one issue/ situation/ case has been brought up 3 or 4 times now as an example of this and one case does not make proof.I’m sure there are more examples out there, I’m not saying this to suggest it’s not the case, but providing the same one case really isn’t helpful if trying to make a bigger point.

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I avoid mainstream news, only checking occasionally to compare to other narratives to be able to try and piece together my own personal opinion of what the actual truth of each matter is.

When checking, I notice specific narratives being pushed that omit certain facts, disregard proposed facts as simply being ‘unacceptable’ without any reason as to why, and concluding with what people ‘should’ think about a particular issue without saying why.

Having said that, I do believe that France has a higher degree of individual freedom and conservatism than countries like the UK, Canada and Australia - although not as much as the US currently.

I’m going to post a separate thread asking all which western countries currently enjoy the most individual freedom and sovereignty today and which are being increased/decreased over time.


What exactly do you mean by this? Specifically ‘individual freedom’ and ‘conservatism’.

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Refer and respond to my new post in the form for details. K

You don’t use the same form of words in that post, and it would be good if you could clarify your terms. I’m asking about something specific you wrote here, not something you wrote there.

Where do you find these “other narratives”? Do you think they are more reliable than mainstream news and, if so, why? I’ve heard this idea before (often during COVID), but I’ve never understood the rationale.

Yes there are plenty

Peeps have said a lot worse about our dear Boris on this forum. But we can enjoy freedom of speech. And rightly so.

But Macron is obsessed with his image. Bit like trump.

France won’t be free again until he is gone.


No…you google

Boris vs Macron

Boris…and I hate the bloke.

Macron is a physiological nutcase.

I doubt there is one country in the world that likes him. Given he has upset most of them.

Even Germany hates him……which must be a first.

That’s a lazy defence, make a point but won’t take the time to back up your argument, I can’t be bothered, so you do it instead :unamused:

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Not really…you all love Macron on this forum.

75% of France don’t.

Whatever I say or link to is not going to change your minds.

It is really is like talking to brexiteers. But in reverse.


Cop-out as usual.

I must say… I do get a bit miffed when folk use blanket phrases… "you all… " “the Brits/French/(whatever)…”

People across the world… will have different views… one from the other… different ideas, different whatevers… no matter what their nationality/sex/whatever… stands to reason… :wink: :worried: :crazy_face:


Do you know him personally? Hate is a strong word.

So where did you get your medical degree?

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I search out and find the opinions from the experts who are censored in the mainstream news and compare their arguments with the arguments being presented by the mainstream, uncensored outlets.


Cambridge, where did you get yours ?

You are right, hate is the wrong word.

I apologise.

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Silly! :lying_face: And rather rude.

The written word is not the same as spoken.

I’m off to the kitchen… chocolate brandy cake has been requested by our local workforce…
Keep smiling everyone… :+1: :+1:


Personally - I neither love nor hate Macron. He’s been, as they go, a reasonably effective president as far as I can see.

He seems to be doing a bit better than that at present - recent polling has it about 60-65% “disapprove” - given how negatively the pension reforms are being taken that’s not bad. In any case the French seem to automatically dislike any president as soon as they are elected.

As has been observed the “average” political position of SF is probably moderate left of centre - if you favour MLP it’s likely you won’t find a whole lot of nodding in agreement.

I’m glad you liked my tiles though :slight_smile:

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I don’t like Macron. He represents everything I stand against.

Oddball nutter

Nothing about politics.

On that point I am going to get dressed and pretend I am Zelensky. Make sure my private photographer takes a photo. I will share it with you later.