Mobility scooters

Mobility scooter hire in Antibes
Desperate require next week one for a couple of days for my dad.
Can’t seem to find companies that rent them out ! Any one can advise me at all ?

Specialist pharmacies can rent them. We have a large one attached to the local hospital that does so. Can also hire motorised wheelchairs from a local small pharmacie.

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There are plenty of medical equipment hire/buy shops around where you get your crutches,special ortho shoes etc, they may have some information for you. Otherwise ask at the local pharmacy.

This place hires scooters senior,and no doubt there are others too.


Just yellow paged “materiel medical” Antibes and found 29 contact addresses, including @JaneJones . Hopefully one of those will meet your needs.

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A lot of them do not hire mobility scooters or do not exist anymore :thinking:
I have tried Google for the past 2 weeks

Thanks we have hired wheelchair and a rollator just need a mobility scooter not many have them

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Have explored this unfortunately nothing

Are there any EHPAD establishments around your area? I wonder if they might have one going spare for a couple of days? Or they might be able to suggest a solution?


If you are there, why not go into the Mairie/Hôtel de ville and ask if they know anywhere

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In England at the moment trying to organise a mobility scooter for our arrival to accommodation . It seems a lot of emails I have sent to toursist information and Marie over the past 3 weeks just haven’t been responded to so I am trying to get information from other sources .
Many thanks

How’s your French? That always helps in these situations.

Strangely mobility scooter are far less common here, whereas in the UK I was regularly mown down by them. Electric wheelchairs are more common.

“Electric wheelchairs are more common”
good point @JaneJones

Unfortunately, it might well be that your Dad won’t be able to have a “mobility scooter” for the couple of days he is with you…

Perhaps it might be an idea to have “Plan B” in place so that someone is able to assist (if necessary) when your Dad is in his wheelchair…

best of luck :crossed_fingers: