More Brexit planning

Well, fingers crossed we’re still in the EU when they visit :slight_smile:

This link gives the official tax free limits for goods you bring with you into France by air or sea from a non EU country. Basically you get an allowance of 430 Euros per person of 15 years of age or more. As long as the limit is not exceeded, then there is no need to declare the importation, and thus neither customs duty or VAT is payable. If the limit per person is exceeded, then VAT is payable on the excess.
There are of course quantitative limits for such things as tobacco, alcohol, road vehicle fuel etc. which you will find if you scroll down the page.

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LOL!! I guess they never got the ‘memo’ on the Andorran border :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: where the same restrictions apply - in theory… :roll_eyes:

Thanks Robert - I finally found a different link with the same infor which I posted earlier in the thread. From my original post it took a few minutes to discover the right French vocabulary to plug into a Google search.

Toes too!

You are welcome. It’s interesting how a lower limit of €300 in value will apply if a person enters France by using the Channel Tunnel though. Just one of the vagueries of the legislation I suppose.

I am now wondering how monetary limits might apply to paying for gite accommodation?

It’s also a lower limit of 150€ if you order online from outside the EU - with VAT payable if it’s more than (I think) 5€ (that is, if the VAT comes to more than that, not the value of the goods).

If we don’t like them they don’t get invited for aperos.
Only one lot so far.
We haven’t had anyone choosing to spend their holiday here who hasn’t had an international outlook.

to stop freedom of movement, to make the rich get richer and the rest of us get poorer, to cease immigration from EU countries but not the rest of the world. to pander to far right racist parties and far left loonies.
Just a few things it was for.

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