Movable do solfège

This is a bit niche, but I’m hoping someone will know the answer.

Someone sent me some French music.

It has “no” key signature (that is, no sharps or flats) so I would consider it in the key of C (or Am).

The melody is notated normally, but the accompaniment is notated thus: Fa Do Sol Lam etc.

I’ve listened to the song, and (if it were in C) those chords would be F C G Am; that is, IV, I, V, vi or (in the version of Nashville I use), 4 1 5 6.

Is French popular music always notated like that, using (what I infer is) the movable do solfège?

Merci bcp


I was just pondering exactly the same question…

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No idea about popular music, but this site may help even if it is almost all very simple and stuff you already know.
Les notes de musique - Cours de solfège).


I wonder if Gaston knows.

Clef de fa, clef de ut would be indicated I think so if nothing it’s likely to be clef de sol. I’m hopeless at solfège though.

Looking at the link you gave, French people call C Do (or Ut).

I had a look for what would clearly be French music notation and it all seems to indicate an actual key signature.

I am thinking now that the music I’ve seen must be in the movable system, in order to allow the player to choose the most comfortable key for the singer(s).

Yes C is do but you won’t always write it in the same place on the staff depending on the clef.

From my (now old) cours de solfège, I seem to recall that it very much depends on the main instrument it was written for.

Is this any use ?

Yes which is why you need clef de sol and clef de fa for piano but cle de ut if you play eg the viola. I’m fairly sure my violin playing daughter’s scores were all clef de sol whereas the cello player’s were clef de fa.