Music to lighten the mood - please add your own choices

single, Touch, just released. Touch - YouTube

I’m imagining some of our local farmers getting together… like this… :rofl:

The odd thing is that the videos have a distinct “small US farming community” feel - yet the band are Finnish.

International look, in my view… having fun is worldwide…

They certainly look as though they are having fun :slight_smile:

One weekend… at a houseparty in Soulac-sur-mer… one chap started playing gentle old tunes (which we all knew) on his accordeon and… voilà… we all turned into singers/musicians of sorts… (and, no, we weren’t tiddly…).

Nothing quite beats such impromptu moments …

Looking forward to when we can all get together, again…

I so agree Stella, we were in a local creperie, end of the season, she was closing for the winter and she began to tell us stories from the 30+ years she had been running the place - when, as she put it, the world came to her doorstep. It was a magical moment, tinged with nostalgia as she was closing at the end of the following season.

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“I’m waiting for my man,
26 dollars in my hand”

A song about problems getting vaccine…

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That’s always been one of my favorite songs of his.
We got our shots for free but I know that his $26 was for ‘treatment’ for a different type of ‘virus’.
And with much different ‘side effects’.

I don’t think €26 would put us higher up the queue at the moment!
The song seemed appropriate in these strange times.

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The name looks somewhat familiar, @vero… she isn’t one of yours is she? Lovely voice…

Thank you on her behalf, yes The Unwashed Phenomenon is indeed my #4 daughter (TUP being one of the nicknames conferred by her sisters) :blush:

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I was just about to ask the same as Angela. #4 daughter?! Wow!
My other question was, are there more songs to hear? I wish I could hear more, that was a nice rendition!

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Thank you, I’ll have a look :blush:

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