Mutuelle Fully Comprehensive Health Insurance

Good afternoon all,

I have accepted an offer on my Spanish home and, all things being equal, shall be winging my way to France to live permanently in the early part of 2015, probably to The Creuse. Do any of you know of a mutuelle who would offer reasonable prices for the above for myself and my wife ? It has to be fully comp as we are early retirees and have to wait until 2016 before my wife attains pensionable age - as I understand it, the CPAM will also cover me ?

The best quote I have had so far is an eye watering €450 per month for the pair of us so any help in lowering that would be hugely appreciated !

Thanks in advance for assistance

Sue, try, read it through and then click through to Not sure what your current levels of cover are but their Standard Plus policy appears to be quite good value on first look - nil excess as well. Cyndy, this may prove useful for you as well ?

As I said-I may be wrong but the prices quoted in other replies seem to me more like the prices for mutuelle 'top -up' insurance rather than fully comp. health insurance. If you can find insurance for less than 450€- fully comp. private health insurance- please let me know, as I would be very interested because that would be a very good deal!!

No, it has to be fully comprehensive cover Sue as we are early retirees like yourselves

Do you want a mutuelle-which is top up insurance for someone who has access to the french health service and only pays the 30% that the french govt. doesn't-or do you want comprehensive private health cover because you have NO access to french health cover? If the later -I have to say 450€ is pretty good. We (my husband and I ) pay €500 a month as we are also early retirees here for 3 years and not eligable for entry into the french health for another 2 years under the current system -paid income tax in France for 5 years(won't be eligable for S1 from UK until 2018 under the age restricrion) I think the prices quoted here are from people who have top up and not full comprehensive health cover. If I am wrong and these prices quoted are not for top up mutuelles then I could also do with the information on which companies supply cover at these good prices.

Am I better waiting until I get to France to sort private health insurance? As a healthy 59 year old, I’ve been staggered by the size of the premiums quoted by the likes of BUPA and CIGNA.

Cheers Catharine, must get it sorted this winter, we have to lessen our outgoings :-(

the 200 is mostly on 100% Catharine (appart from the orthodentist which is at 200% and the surgeons fees at 140%)

Hi Tracy

Just checked and we pay 101 a month for Ozmoz 200 not 300 - (which I've found fine in terms of cover including the dreaded orthodontists) for the four of us as Daisy has a student mutuelle, but I seem to recall that the third child was free anyway. Got 2 months free cover when we switched (2 years ago) and very happy with service / easy of use etc. Maybe renegotiate with Allianz? I always tend to cancel the policy even if I plan to renew as I find that concentrates their minds in terms of better rates....

Wow, thats good value Catharine. We pay about 160 with Allianz but I am reluctant to change as we have been with them 10 yrs and get fidelity bonuses. Have you used them long? A saving of 50€ a month would be very welcome.

You are most welcome Andy, I shall send you a private message.


There are 5 of us and we have 300% with Ociane and pay 112 per month.

Use one of the comparison sites!

Thank you so much John, I would seriously welcome your assistance !

Hi Andy,

wow, 415€ seems an awful lot, I just went through some quotations and the highest was 350€ pcm for a family of 5 on a high something like 350%! I can help if you like.
