Name something you can say in a traffic jam and also during sex

Have you got any tissues?

Errh, is it supposed to squirt on the windscreen ?

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I think itā€™s a spilt load


slow down and stop fiddling with the radio

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If something doesnā€™t happen soon, we may as well have a dozeā€¦ :thinking:


U turn?

Oh oh! Now sheā€™s overheating.

Donā€™t suppose thereā€™s anything to drink handy?

Who can I write to to complain about this?

This is taking so long Iā€™m going to take my shoes off!

Turn around, I want to see whatā€™s coming the other way.

No entry

I need to stand up I am getting cramp.

NO! - you are not allowed to go up there.


Donā€™t stop, donā€™t stop, donā€™t stopā€¦


At least we can listen to pop master

That is surely for a threesome,nā€™est pas?

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Iā€™m losing the will to live Ā« sigh Ā»

If I slip out real quick we can change positions. You know you like to be in charge