Nearly new in France

Hi All, we have just submitted our offer to purchase near Ruffec so looking forward to asking all those questions us newbies ask :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Welcome David,
Does it have a pool?

No pool John but it does the space if we wanted.

How exciting for you David

when you say Offer
 have you signed a Promis d’Achat or what ever it is called
 where the Buyer promises to Buy and the Seller promises to Sell ??

Hi Stella, yes, we have signed a “Lettre D’Intention D’Achat” and the agent has put the time we signed it as he knows others agents were taking people to see the same property later that day.

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Get the Promise double signed as quickly as you can
 then you can relax

Will do

Ok David one less thing to worry about in the sale, I am here if you need advice, should you decide to have one fitted which after a good summer is pretty sure to be the case.

Hope it goes through nicely.

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Welcome David

Hope that everything goes according to plan and that you will soon be resident in this beautiful country.

Just to let you know that once you move in you will be Ruffécois et les Ruffécoises ! :wink:

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Lots of paperwork initialled and signed and a deposit on its way :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Exciting times ahead 

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Hi Dave. I was wondering how you are finding life in Ruffec.