New French Government 2022:Update

Our new Prime Minister…

and 5 key-points…

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Great News today, pleased to see the back of Castex, as Madame Borne takes the reins, and look forward to how she will interact with Macron after the Legislative elections will reduce his majority severely. Any woman who has and continues to succeed in a prominently male dominated work environment at any level, let alone at the highest political levels has our total support and good wishes.


Yet another of the Borne franchise, what is it called? The Borne Selection, The Borne Opportunity, Borne to be PM?


My French vocab expanded this evening when I read that she’d previously experienced ‘le Burn-out’. Hadn’t realised that either the phrase or the phenomenon existed anywhere in the Hexagon, but remain sure that the latter has never occurred down here in the Aveyron.

Viva le déjeuner de deux heures !


I’ve been wondering how much longer we must wait… or can legally wait for a new government…
and, low and behold… here’s the answer…

Seems BMTV have some inside info… ??? perhaps

and The Press is catching-up

Macron’s missus will be keeping a close eye on Mme Borne.

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I doubt EM will be hopping on a scooter any time soon n the dead of night to visit Matignon…
unlike his predecessor, who seemed to have an eye for the ladies :wink:

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So EM will be getting the Bourne ultimatum perhaps

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and the trombinoscope just to complete this thread.

A well balanced Cabinet between women and men. Let’s hope it works well.

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I think it will.
Apparently, (unlike the current lazy blob in Downing Street) she is known as a workaholic. She will often be working till 03:00 then still be up and fresh for the next day at 07:00 (even Thatcher-like, I guess).

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I read that Macron, like Thatcher, only has 4 hours sleep a night.

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Glancing through the pieces on the new Cabinet members’ backgrounds, I’m struck by the range and depth of their expertise, and particularly how that contrasts with their English counterparts who often seem to be chosen for their lack of professional experience in the area of their ministry.

Ndiaye’s an interesting choice of Education minister, he’s a well established academic, much published in post-colonial studies (very controversial subject in France). By coincidence this morning’s NY Times contains an excellent in-depth investigation of the extent of Haiti’s impoverishment by France over the last couple of centuries due to the ongoing eye-watering amount of reparations they had to make to their former rulers and enslavers.