New insulation rating

Is everyone aware of new thermal insulation rating ?
The new rating grid was operational a few weeks ago. The results were so disastrous to many that the gov had to suspend it.
It is meant so that the worst insulated houses and flats cannot be rented any more. It will also impact of course the selling of buildings.
While former rating could be based on energy billing, the new one will be based on more technical and pertinent observations. For instance, points will be acquired for renewable energy, regulators, etc

If you want to improve your insulation and get some money back when selling your building, do take into account this new grid.

Have you a link please?
Does it include swimming pools or have they missed that point again, pools use a lot of electricity unnecessarily. It is perfectly possible to save 90% of the electricity a normal pool uses and have better quality water as a bonus.

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No, it doesn’t include pools. It’s entirely based on room sizes, structure, window types and insulation . The algorithm gives an energy cost/m2. Actual energy costs have nothing to do with it any more.

Much of this has yet to be applicable to the sale and rental of places surely?

Les bùtiments ou logements classés F ou G sont ainsi concernés par plusieurs mesures, à différentes échéances :

 01/01/2022 :
o Affichage obligatoire dans les annonces immobiliÚres de la mention « logement à
consommation d’énergie excessive » pour les logements F et G ;
o Audit énergétique obligatoire pour les logements F et G proposés à la vente en maison individuelle et immeuble en monopropriété.
 24/08/2022 :
o Gel de l’évolution des loyers des logements F et G pour l’ensemble du territoire.
 01/01/2023 :
o Les logements ayant une consommation énergétique supérieure à 450 kWh/ en énergie finale (logements les plus énergivores de la classe G) ne sont plus considérés comme décents.
 01/01/2025 :
o Les logements ayant une étiquette G ne sont plus considérés comme décents.
 01/01/2028 :
o Les logements ayant une étiquette F ne sont plus considérés comme décents.

Try this one: it is meant for professionals in charge of this rating.

Tell me more :slightly_smiling_face:

Whilst they are so concerned with an energy cert for a house/flat etc, where there is a pool the wonderful insulated home figure would be totally ruined by a domestic appliance ( a swimming pool) that is the most expensive to run and energy consuming thing on the plot.

A small pool uses around 750 watts to run the filter and a large domestic pool around 2.2kw then if its not an insulated construction the energy wasted heating it becomes a hefty bill and again energy consuming.

I worked out years ago how to properly design and setup pools and the results are huge energy savings, this is by making the systems more efficient and reducing friction. I achieved reductions of 90% in the electricity requirements for the filtration, far better filtration and therefore water quality and a reduction in chemical usage.

The industry on the otherhand isn’t interested as it damages sales.



Our old property (1800s, updated in 1950s and again in the 80s but no proof of recent insulation, and we’ve renovated but didnt have the budget for it), has gone down from an F rating when we bought it in 2013 to a G this time round, as we are trying to sell it
 despite upgrading the 50s boiler to a recent one and changing all windows and doors from drafty single glazed to high performance, equivalent triple glazed efficiency, plus replacing the open fireplace with an insert.

All because of the presumed lack of insulation after 1950. But the actual temperature comfort factor in the house is significantly improved and the thermostat has definitely been turned down due to the improvements. Very frustrating.

And now, reading about this audit, and already having paid 1 100€ for diagnostics, I’m now concerned that we’ll be hit by this if we don’t sell before September (which is looking quite possible/likely).

I thought the date for this to become obligatory had been pushed back to 2025?

Did you find that these made a big improvement?

Oh yes!

The old windows and external doors literally had gaps between the glazing or the door and the frames and it was like a freezing wind tunnel through the whole of the ground floor and up the stairs in winter.

I know that in overall house thermal efficiency terms, changing your windows and doors isn’t the highest priority, insulation technically has more effect, but in comfort terms, the difference was dramatic.

We saved on costs by buying them from Poland and having them fitted by a French firm registered in Spain (came in 40-50% lower than all France based quotes) and we still couldn’t afford the insulation now, so very glad to have made the choice to get the 7 downstairs / staircase windows and 2 exterior doors done.

They look lovely too, having been able to replace like for like with wood, instead of having to go the PVC or aluminium route, which for us would have been out of keeping with the age of the property. They came pre-painted too as part of the cost, in our bespoke colour choice (Provencal blue)

EnvoyĂ© depuis l’application Mail Orange


It’s worth noting that we also have enjoyed a dramatic reduction in intermittent noise nuisances, can no longer hear anything inside!

EnvoyĂ© depuis l’application Mail Orange


We replaced out wooden shutters with alu a couple of years ago. They look nice and are robust but the price, while competitive, was eye watering and I’d rate the installation job as average at best.

He he!

EnvoyĂ© depuis l’application Mail Orange

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Were your new windows hardwood or softwood?

Oof, can’t remember, it’s been several years since they were put in and since they arrived all painted and prepared, ready to fit, we never saw them ‘brut’.

But the frames are 6 or 7cm thick and so airtight, we’re delighted with them.

And the glazing no longer runs with condensation on the inside like it used to with the old single panes, the inside is not even cold to the touch in winter.

EnvoyĂ© depuis l’application Mail Orange

Thats the thing isnt it Daniel, a single glazed window leaks heat at an incredible rate not quite as much as a draft but a lot more than a wall. Your triple glazing should get close to a wall for heat loss whereas drafts are still the single biggest loss. Unless the new form has a recalculation of heat loss its just, in the absence of actual maths just a tick box exercise. The good point is that most fall in love and therefore buy based on the overall look and feel of the home and I doubt your neighbours have tripple glazing so just big up that point. I still have single glazing but a phenominally well insulated roof space which has drastically improved things and when we sell the tick box energy idiot sans thermal camera will score us better.
Still they dont take into account swimming pools which for most is a great energy user.

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Yeah, just need to get a visit now, we’ve been on the market for a month and were put on alert for this weekend but still nothing.

After the frantic effort of getting ready for photos, diagnostics and start of marketing, its been a bit of a let down

Would love to be waxing lyrical about our super windows :laughing:

Then please do, when we move to our forever home, next move. Triple glazed low emissivity windows are going in, and a lot more insulation. I am considering cutting out the floor joists to enable a bigger slab of insulation to be fitted.