New windows in stone house

@ChrisMann :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You’ve been framed

Very kindvDanny, but a really really bad idea to put your phone number on an open forum. Bots scrape forums and you’ll get spammed to death!

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“Very kindvDanny, but a really really bad idea to put your phone number on an open forum. Bots scrape forums and you’ll get spammed to death!” @toryroo

Hi @Spudgun - just wanted to make sure you saw this from @toryroo - I’d feel terrible if that happened and thanks again for the info and photos.

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Hi Sarah,
Don’t worry. I understand the concern but it’s all good. :+1:

Whenever you download an app or sign into a Google account , if we read the pages of small print, we’d see that every man and his dog already gets your full details,access to your location,microphone and camera so the Chinese already know me well :+1::laughing:

Kind regards


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