News from SF Towers

Hi all,
As some of you may have noticed (and some may have breathed a sigh of relief), we’ve been a bit quiet for the last couple of weeks. James because he has been pouring concrete like a man possessed and playing nursemaid and me because, I have a broken jaw.
I’m still quiet as I can’t really speak properly; a lot of mumbling and slurring so I sound permanently slightly pissed, but I am now feeling a lot more chipper and can at least type :slight_smile:
So watch out, I’m back :slight_smile:


Oh that’s horrible Catharine. How on earth did you manage to do that?

Glad you’re feeling better. Keep smiling… if you can :smile:

Gracious… you poor thing. Hope it all mends asap… then you can get back to slurring for the best of reasons… :wink::relaxed:

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Woahhh bad luck Catharine but glad you’re on the mend! Take care and best wishes.

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Hmmmm at the risk of a ban… is the pouring of the concrete and the broken jaw connected in any way :rofl:
Glad you’re on the mend tho’ @cat


OMG you poor thing! I take it you fell of a horse or similar, rather than drunkenly giggling as you lost balance playing chicken on the side of a ravine. I’m surprised James hasn’t taken full advantage by having all his mates to stay, with a fridge full of beer and nightly takeaways, because you couldn’t complain, tee hee (mind you, body language would say it all). Take extra care and welcome back. xxx

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So wife can’t speak, James must be in heaven.:grinning:

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I got kicked in the face by a horse - and no, I can’t! X

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Thank you lovely xxxx

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Major ouch!

Get well soon

Bet that made you’re eyes water, hope it’s better very soon :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

You can take back the reins again now…
Get well soon

Argh horrors, bon courage and get well soon

Ouch :face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage:
Hope it mends quickly

Goodness me that sounds painful…! My friend in uk recently lost a very placid horse that she had since childhood…she has another now…a rescue…and has been covered in bruises ever since…Wishing you a speedy recovery…xxx

That is awful.
Get well soon.

Painful :persevere: ouch… hope you are recovering now xx

Arghhhhh, can only imagine how horrible and painful this must be, just thinking about it makes me wince.
Hope you get well soon and that James ig giving you lots of TLC …:wink:

Dear Catherine, you must have been in agony with a broken jaw. Steer clear of the horses I think . Get well soon XX

Glad to see you’re on the mend!