Next pandemic?

I see it was discontinued in 1971, although AFAIK I haven’t been vaccinated unless it was one of those given to infants and I won’t remember.

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We just need another war to fix this the same way the the Russian invasion of Ukraine has cured Covid.

I asked a doctor (whisper this on Twitter) and he said my smallpox vaccine won’t give me cover after all these years


TBH I wouldn’t push my luck if I knew I’d had the vaccine as an infant either.

My mum said I had it but I haven’t got the scar some have, but I don’t have a BCG scar either, although very immune on testing

I think the vaccine was stopped in the early 70s, it left a small scar on your upper arm (I can still just about mine but its been partially inked over)

Wasnt that the BCG vaccine for tuberculosis?

Smallpox did scar a lot of people as well

Yes - there has been discussion of this in the climate/ecological breakdown thread. As with many other extreme events, the frequency and severity of pandemics is likely to increase - they are, in fact, not just terrible chance events, but just another aspect of the general breakdown we are experiencing…

Le changement d’affectation des sols est une modification majeure de l’écosystème directement induite par les populations humaines… la déforestation… l’urbanisation… le changement climatique… la mondialisation… [etc]

These are not separate, unrelated risk factors - just different aspects of the unsustainable way our lifestyles and economies are impacting our world.

The BBC were asking if it was a sexually transmitted disease, which of course it isn’t, but those who engage in very close contact with others will transmit it.

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Still no concerns on the diabetes, heart and cancer epidemics. Spose not being transmissable they dont matter even if that is what kills more people and again linked the the greed culture of huge corporations.

I was about to query whether those you quote can be “epidemics”, when I found this website which tell me “Yes, they can…”

There are doubtless other sites, but this was the first one which popped-up… and it’s very interesting.

That’s certainly conventional wisdom - but there’s a 2008 paper which suggests immunity might be of longer duration

Immunity from Smallpox Vaccine Persists for Decades - PMC

Ah… well, if it’s decades… it’s definitely out of date for me… not that I can remember ever having it as a child… or ever.
and I’m definitely older than “decades”… :rofl: :rofl: