Next pandemic?

maybe @_Brian needs to review his “I speak French like a monkey
” suggestion :slightly_smiling_face:


Some of the pictures I saw a few days ago looked quite alarming
 This monkey-thingy, it doesn’t look nice

@Stella perhaps the pictures in this article from Sky News. I didn’t originally post this link for fear of some accusing me of further the plague island mantra :slightly_smiling_face:

Nope. it was in French Press
 but I see you’ve kindly brought them to my attention again
 no, no and thrice times no
 I don’t want to see 'em

By the way
 coughs and sneezes spread diseases
 it strikes me that Masks could be making a come-back 

La maladie se transmet par contact direct avec les lĂ©sions cutanĂ©es ou les muqueuses d’une personne malade, ainsi que par les gouttelettes (salive, Ă©ternuements, postillons
). L’entourage du patient est donc sous surveillance.

The disease is transmitted by direct contact with skin lesions or mucous membranes of a sick person, as well as by droplets (saliva, sneezing, sputter, etc.). The patient’s entourage is therefore under surveillance.

I did wonder why people were given me a wide berth. Still, a whole carriage to myself on the TGV was a definite result :rofl:


Been discussing the Monkey Pox with neighbours
 they simply shrugged their shoulders
 some more vehemently than others
 but the overall opinion range is:
“It’s not dangerous, unlike Covid
" you will recover from this"
“no problem”

(personally, I still don’t want it
 :wink: )

We have a program investigating producing monkeypox antigens for diagnosis. It first came up in 2018, but didn’t really go anywhere commercially. I understand smallpox vaccine is effective to prevent it, and material is being commissioned ‘just in case’.


Interestingly, this outlines some of the why’s and wherefore’s for pandemics.

Right now, there is seemingly only one reported case in France (Paris IIRC) but the incidence is effectively doubling up in UK - in much the same the coronavirus did in the early stages worldwide.

Good grief. I don’t read UK Press
 so I didn’t know that.
 definitely hanging onto my masks and will carry sheepdip stuff in my handbag at all times.

The suggestion appears to be that a group of men who are freely intimate with each other have all managed to catch it here in the UK. Chances are you’re not their type, and should be safe. :wink:


Strange how French Press hasn’t mentioned that aspect/thought

and when my neighbours were discussing it
 none of them comforted me by saying "you’re not a man
 " so perhaps it’s not considered like that over here

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It doesn’t really care what we like, but it needs close-ish contact.

It may also be unacceptable to mention that side of things. I have memories of the impact HIV had on the western gay community, even though it is not in the least fussed about sexual orientation.

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Definitely the sheep dip at 20 paces

It’s more the up close and personal bit it likes than genders

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I remember a sixteen year old girl, informing me that AIDS was actually something thought up by us Oldies to spoil the fun of the younger generation

“Lies, all Lies” I was told
 ( if only it had been
of course, that was many years ago
 sad times followed.


I would imagine most of us on here have had a smallpox vaccine which offers protection against the monkey version

OH had his in the army

not sure that I ever did though
 at what age (and how) would it have been administered