It looks as though you need a social security number in order to complete the registration form ‘PO pl declaration de debut d’activité libérale’. We will be moving to France in December and would like to get the ball rolling in advance, with the intention of starting music/guitar tuition in January. So if possible we would like to apply online (but that looks complicated!)but how do we obtain the numéro de sécurité sociale? I tried to look at questions/réponses on the AE site, but you needed the number for that as well.
Also, on the LIBIF FB group (I think) one of the girls actually put a document together with the exact instructions of how to fill out that initial form online.
It's brilliant - I was able to follow it to a tee - even where to leave the SS number blank, and also NOT agree to pay taxes (impots) along with your cotisations - it might be better to do a tax return at the end of the year - that was the advice given to me and it seems sound.
The FB group is fantastic, Micala and the others are so very helpful, and you can refer to the uploaded documents, search for topics and look up businesses, and other members near you.
Also, I had set mine up in advance of my start date, but everything takes so long that I believe you will have time to do each part as it comes up.
Excellent tip, thanks Heather. I’ll make sure to check all the form first. I thought because it seems to take ages to set things up, it would be a good idea to start the process early, but to specify the date du debut d’activité as Jan 1st. I’ve not got my head round all the tax, social charge implications yet. More research needed methinks!
Great reply from Elaine. Wendy, just an extra bit of info here that might be helpful..
The box you need to tick says something like 'ce numéro ne m'a jamais été attribué'
The next box is then automatically filled in with a row of zeros.
This all works perfectly as long as you get the rest of the form right first time round. Because.. at the end you are given a username and password so that you can come back to your dossier. Except, if you have ticked this box, there is a bug in the system and you can't get back in. Urssaf then suggest you to start again, but then you can't start again with the same email address because the system says you've already made an application! Have had various conversations with the urssaf tech support people about this. They can reproduce the error but can't find what causes it or how to fix it.
So.. I suggest you go right through the form first to check that you have all the info required but don't validate it until you're sure that you have it all right. Ask here or elsewhere if there's anything you're unsure of.
If you do get it right, then usually everything goes quite smoothly after that, at least for professions libérales. There's another site now for other types of business.
Hope that helps
ps I would also think about leaving it until after 1st Jan.
Aha - I’ve not heard of that one yet, thanks will have a look.
Brilliant, thanks so much for your quick and helpful reply! To start with it’ll be my husband who will set up the AE, I’m intending to study for a DELF qualification first. We already have a house in France, my father has the “Usufruit” and has lived there for quite a few years already. I realise we need to prove domicile and are going to try to get the bills transferred to our names. I think we also need to do this to register our vehicles.
I’m sure I’ll have loads more questions but am so glad I found this site.
Wendy, you might want to join Ladies in Business in France private facebook group - this group is strictly for ladies who are moving to France and setting up a business or are currently running a business in France. There are a number of ladies on there who will be able to help - particularly those who assist others in setting up their businesses, online or off.
Good luck with your move to France :)
Hi Wendy,
I was able to set up without a SS number - in fact it was setting up as AE that triggered the process to provide me with a temp SS number, and later a full number. It depends how you set up - I am Prof Liberale so deal with RSI regarding SS and health etc.
You prob need the usual paperwork and address etc - are you renting or have you bought?
This site is your absolute starting point -
and choose Adhérez au régime - and then Déclarez votre activité - this brings you to another site (cfe.urssaf) with heading - CFE Auto-Entrepreneur > Accueil
Then choose half way down that page - the big red button - ![|209x43](upload://e71lYVqBO3s2FaB4s7ZqVRSpDCb.gif)
At some point you can tick a box for no SS number and still proceed with the registration.
I am not sure if you can complete this before you come to France - might be better to research it all first, and register in Jan, new year, avoiding any 2015 queries on tax, social charges etc. Just a thought :-)
Welcome, and good luck!