No organisation at the Labs

At the doctor’s request a nurse came some weeks ago to take blood for a test from Fran.

Some time later we had a bill for 8.50€ with an option to pay in person, by cheque or online. In common with all our regular bills I elected for online.

There was a space for her name, already filled in, then a space for her date of birth which I filled in, then a place to click on to make the payment. Everything turned red and the message was ‘either the DoB or invoice number has not been recognised’. Well of course it hasn’t there is nowhere to put in the invoice number, and believe me I tried everywhere.

So I found a contact address and wrote them a letter saying I was keen to pay but how and where do I put the invoice number. No reply, but yesterday morning another bill arrives announcing itself as the 2nd demand.

Once again, through the whole process several times without success except that this time there is no contact address. I suppose that in the end I will have to send a cheque, but I don’t want to for various reasons and in any case, there is a good chance that that will fail because there is no cut off coupon with all details on it (including invoice number) to send with it.

Anybody else had such a problem with the Labs?

No, the lab has CV and mutuelle details so 100% covered. If you send a cheque, just write the invoice number on the back and send with a copy of the bill.


I would also write paid by cheque, sign your name and the number on the invoice BEFORE making a copy to send, you are well covered and even photocopy the cheque if you like. My artisans who worked on my house always liked this as they could show their accountants.

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Thanks both, I will end up doing that I suppose, but I would like to know why they offer online payment and then make it impossible.

Isn’t Fran ALD? So why a charge for a blood draw? And even if not ALD you have a mutuelle? So should have been paid by them.

I got a lab bill a while back for blood tests, which come under my ALD. It was actually from a previous year and they had been trying fruitlessly to get the amount from our non existent mutuelle. I phoned and spoke to the bureau and never heard from them again.

Try phoning before you pay anything.

Not sure it comes under her ALD and as far as the mutuelle is concerned it is mine and no good for her.