Not applicable in the Cheerful News thread

Try holding onto something for support, go onto tiptoe, raise one leg and gradually lower the other heel. I had a similar problem to you in the mornings and that worked wonders for me. Do it 10-15 times 2-3 times a day.

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Totally agree! Most of natural magnesium has been depleted from the soil so apparently we are nearly all low. It doesn’t just help with cramps but sleep, stress ect. I’ve been taking it probably 9 years now. My first heads up was about a month later not wanting to divorce DH and kill the kids the week before I was due on. Ud literally been using that as my cue! Slept better, cramps stopped! If I run out or forget for more than a week I really notice!

I’ve had sciatica and muscle cramps in my lower back, periodically, for many years caused by a minor prolapse in L2. It’s very easy to have a minor prolapse without thinking you’ve done anything wrong. I do regular exercises lying on my back, on the bed which help enormously. Also, I use a TENS machine to alleviate the pain and discomfort. For me, the TENS works like magic, and I would recommend one wholeheartedly.

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TENS is a good idea - I shall investigate further, thank you.

I can confirm this absolutely. OH has a medical issue that means she doesn’t readily absorb some vitamins and minerals via the stomach/small intestine. She was taking high dosage vitamin supplements because of this, but not magnesium. She wanted to murder me at least 20 times a day until we discovered the effects of low magnesium levels and corrected it. Now she only wants to murder me 3 times per day, which is a definite result :joy::+1:


All very individual. A fraction of a millimetre in alignment, disc space, and how your nerves and muscles attach can make the difference between pain and no pain.

What worked for me was

  1. An MRI so we knew exactly what was going on (sciatica is usually due to issues between L4 and S3 vertebrae)

2 V short course of injected muscle relaxants to get over acute pain

  1. Senior Physio appointment(s) to check alignment and work out suitable exercise routine

  2. Self help - stretching, walking, heat, cold etc.

Good luck

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Lumbar/sacrum prolapses are the worst. I count myself lucky mine was higher. I went through the whole gamut of tests, to be told it wasn’t really that serious. Felt serious enough to me :confounded:. I found what works for me to keep my back in good shape and it doesn’t seriously inconvenience me very often.

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I stacked about a tonne of wood today, I don’t think my back will be happy tomorrow đŸ«€
Just the other 2/3rds of my order to deal with

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Hope you’re tomorrow, Vero.

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Thank you! Well I had a good long hot shower and feel a lot less stiff than I did before it! I fear I’ll be creeping about as if 150 all day at work. I’m an idiot, bit off more than I could chew :roll_eyes:

So frustrating isn’t it when you are just overcome by pain and the MRI shows something miniscule. But even minuscule can squish a nerve badly.

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That should have said “hope you’re ok”. :roll_eyes:

We have to do daft things occasionally - just look after yourself a little. Wishing you a comfy, flexible day.

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And quinine but not long term. Also keep hydrated.

Just opened my Christmas tree I bought on Friday and while it looked OK wrapped all the inside has died and it is exploding needles everywhere with most of the inner branches are totally bare :cry:

I’m devestated, as is the small person. It would be impossible to get it back in the car to get a refund. Do you think they would accept the photos??? I think it is unusable :cry:

Unfortunately I think you’re right.

Yes, just touching it produces a needle slide of epic proportions, if i tried to decorate it would end up bare!!! I always get my tree at Lidl and always been excellent value and quality. They are pretty good normally about refunds so hoping receipt plus photos will be enough!

Definitely worth a try, that is certainly not fit for purpose.


Certainly worth a call & sending pictures. :frowning:

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Non of Fran’s family keep in touch, but her eldest son’s wife and I do via Facebook because she is a long standing sufferer from MS and is now confined to bed with no hope of leaving it. Only daily nurses coming in to see to her as her husband has serious vital organs destroyed . Yesterday Fran’s daughter phoned me to speak to her as she has heard that Steve has only got weeks to live and wanted to talk to her Mum. I tried but Fran could not speak so I promised Sue I would break the news to her myself. I did, after the call, but am not sure that she understood as it doesn’t seem to have affected her at all. So sad. I did check Ryanair for info re wheelchairs etc, but they wouldn’t allow it in the cabin and in any case she wouldn’t know what it was all about.

I’m really sorry to hear that David. In a way, it may be a blessing that Fran can’t know because the news might distress her so much if she could receive and understand it fully.

My heart really goes out to you and your family at this time.