Now isn't that a surprise

Not really.

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It’s inevitable, like the empty shelves.


All those people in Lincolnshire who voted for Brexit are responsible for the lack of pickers nationally.
They knew the situation and what would happen and no Brits want to work as hard as the Eastern Europeans.

Is it for new contracts? EE will maintain at least for now the previous allowance if it was a contract before the end of July.

Three are also starting to crack down too. Today I received a text to say my phone has been in a “go Roam” destination for a full 2 months which is contrary to their fair use policy. I have a month to use my phone in the UK otherwise they will suspend my roaming service.

Their fair use policy states "You can only use Go Roam for periodic travel, like holidays or short breaks. To ensure all customers can benefit from roaming at no extra cost, we have put in place the following rules for prolonged periods of roaming.

We’ll monitor your usage, and if you spend two complete months in one or more of our Go Roam destinations in a rolling 12-month period, we have the right to suspend international roaming services on your account. This means you’ll no longer be able to use your device or allowances abroad. Of course, we’ll let you know in advance if this is likely to happen. You’ll need to stop using your roaming services exclusively for roaming in Go Roam destinations or return to the UK to avoid suspension."

Hi I also got the same message v cheeky have to keep an eye on usage

I googled the issue and someone had complained to the Guardian. They disable your number until you get your phone back to the UK, which means you won’t be able to login to you UK bank accounts etc. So you have to address the issue somehow. Unless you get the SIM back to the UK.

Vodafone has a similar clause in their fair usage policy, but they are clever in that you have to have more usage in the UK over a rolling 4 month period, than in the 2 months you may be abroad “We will monitor and check your roaming use. If, during any 4 month period, you roam in the
Europe Zone or in the Global Roaming Plus destinations for 62 days or more AND your
corresponding roaming usage exceeds your usage within the UK, you may incur additional
roaming charges.” At least they do not threaten to disable your number

Both my wife and I got a similar text from Vodafone and we’re now on roaming charges. So, I have switched off all roaming and mobile data on our phones and have 2 other temporary phones with French Sims - one from prixtel, the other from orange and the 2 UK phones are tethered to the new French phones. This allows us to calls/texts on our UK numbers and also to maintain such things as WhatsApp. Working quite well at the moment, though having 4 phones is a bit of a pain - however, when the new iPhones are announced in September, we’ll get a new iPhone which will have an e-Sim. Longer term, we will get rid of the UK numbers…

The current iPhone has a eSIM but you are right to wait at this stage. Announcement and limited availability next month due to chip shortages.

Brexit does not allow a foot in both camps.
We have an Orange contract and simply dont phone UK numbers via mobile and we also will not answer a number from the UK to our mobile . Use WhatsApp it’s free!!
As for banking apps in UK they are usable via a laptop.
Those who now live in the eurozone will have to get used to it. I really dont understand why there seems to be a need to cling on to a UK phone contract, Brexit has washed up a whole load of SH1t but there are many ways to get by without a UK contract.
We have an Orange landline that has unlimited call to many countries including the UK which works for us. Such costs simply need building into the household budget.


I agree with you entirely. I merely highlighted it as another project fear issue that is now project fact. We shouldn’t just roll with the punches and say we can circumvent this or that one way or another. In the absence of any, any tangible and measurable benefit of Brexit we should highlight the downsides. If we manage to alleviate the impact that’t just well done us…