Now that I'm officially a senior

Are there any interesting or useful discounts? I’m aware of the SNCF deal, which I’ll probably buy when I next take a train or a deal comes up (whichever comes first) but was curious about what else might be out there.

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Welcome to the Grey Panthers!

You’ll usually get about a third off admission to public art galleries and museums, but also, particularly on a crowded Metro, young people will leap up and offer you their seat :wink:


There is

Also air france, and urban travel. We get a coupe of euros off at local cinema. Basically wave your ID card at everyone and sometimes you strike lucky.


It seems you have to be a “Happy Boomer” though - do you think they would let me join if I’m a “Moderately Cheerful Boomer With Occasional Grumpy Moments”? :smiley:


Or me, a moderately grumpy boomer with occasional cheerful moments


Sounds borderline - which Crit’Amuse sticker are you displaying, an orange for level 3 happiness or a yellow level 2?

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Won’t be long before Gen X is joing the party.

I can’t as I don’t know where to place it, can you offer any advice?

Wasn’t that Billy Idol’s original group?

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I’m not sure - officially I think it goes in the lower right-hand corner of your carrosserie…

Perhaps we should start a new thread on the topic. :smiley:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I recall there were reductions for ski lift passes for older people… haven’t been for a while though

My knees have told my that my skiing days are over :unamused:

My bank balance has told me never to take up skiing. :smiley: I used to go scuba diving and that was a pricey enough hobby.

It’s probably my only real regret in life that I didn’t start skiing until my late 30s. I never thought I would like it and it turned out that I love it. Ho hum.

When exactly do you become a ‘senior’? SAGA is for the over 50’s, in the US and UK there are discounts for the over 55’s, an Oyster travel card is available for the over 60’s (if you live in London) and I claimed my French pension last year at 62.

Confusing or what?

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A ski fan! I’m sorry (you feel) your knees are no longer up to it - is that medical advice? Did you do a lot of skiing in France - I wonder where you went!

I seem to recall my X’s French parents skiing in their 60’s - they had an apartment in Vars.

Perhaps a possible thread topic - skiing in France…

A torn meniscus that isn’t quite healing. I could have gone for surgery but other matters took priority. Though I might reprioritise given the other matter.