Orange fibre Livebox 5 land line?

I’m not sure, but I believe an Orange Livebox 5 comes with a landline phone number - ours appears to be a number starting 09.

We have never used it and have no compatible handsets any more. But I was wondering if it can be used via one’s smartphone, over WiFi?

You have to ask Orange for a "geographical " number otherwise they will automatically give you an 09 number. I don’t think a landline number it can be used with a smartphone.

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It’s more of idle curiosity than anything else as we don’t need to use the number really but it would be cool if it could be used via my smartphone in the house. We don’t need a regional number.

I have a landline beginning 09 and it can be accessed via mobile smartphone as the family often ring that number instead of my mobile phone which I do not have internet on.

You can certainly call it from another phone, smart or not. But I don’t think you can set up a mobile phone to use that number. "
Les Echos says…
Jusqu’à présent, la numérotation en 09 existait mais seulement pour le téléphone fixe : il s’agit d’un numéro national (non rattaché à une zone géographique comme le 01, 02, 03, 04 ou 05), utilisé notamment par les services clients.

To avoid any confusion, what I envisage is using my smartphone as a cordless phone connected to the Livebox when I’m at home.

You could try wifi calling. I use that on an iPhone. But it can run down the phone battery and you still pay for the call as if it was mobile. I use it (but not all the time) because the mobile signal is not usually good outside and very bad inside due to thick stone walls.

I’m clearly having trouble getting this across. We already use WiFi calling using our smartphones.

My question is about the fixed line number supplied with the Livebox 5. Conventionally, you’d plug in some inexpensive corded or cordless phones to make and receive calls via that fixed line number. I’m wondering if I can do the same with my smartphone behaving like a cordless phone.

Perhaps this is the answer? Comment connecter mon téléphone portable à ma Livebox Orange ?
PS I don’t think so…

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Thanks for the link but as you say that’s just advice on how to connect your smartphone for general use. Don’t worry about it, it’s not that important but thanks for trying.

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