ORANGE Thunderstorm warning

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: How did you guess??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

My cat is afraid of storms, but last night she was terrified! Her cries were so concerning and she constantly panted with her mouth wide open, something I have never seen before :frowning:

Our cat is terrified indoors so went out in the storm. Left us two mice by the back door…we weren’t that hungry though…

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I had a Norwegian Forest cat several years ago in the UK. He loved not just lightening, but fireworks too. There was a firework display at the pub in our village every Nov 5th. It was just across a field and road. He would always climb onto the windowsill and watch every rocket go up. He didn’t seem bothered by the noise, and fascinated by the flashing and colours. He wasn’t deaf either.


reminds me of a friend’s dog who we looked after for 6 weeks whilst they went off on safari…
any downpour and he was there at the door pleading to go out… once out he would pirouette wildly constantly barking at the rain… weird but quite an amusing spectacle!
It was a terrier of some description - and given the way he attacked any other dog he came across in creation… I called him the terrorist :slightly_smiling_face:

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Or was that terrier-o-rist?

I’ll get my coat :slight_smile:


Apart from a few drops of very dusty rain (judging from the state of my car this morning), we had nothing last night. Very warm and muggy this afternoon

We’ve had lovely steady rain for several hours. Sunny now, but expecting storms this evening - great swathe of SW France on orange alert for 7pm onwards.

I’m really enjoying the rain - no watering for the second day running :smiley:


Now in our 18th hour of continuous rain. Looking out of the window, I think I can actually see the grass getting longer…

Same here - our beefiest lawnmower is at the mower doctor’s at the moment. Don’t want the grass to get to strimming level :roll_eyes:

It was my wrist trying to keep hold of him :grin:

Thankyou :slightly_smiling_face:

I video the storm on my phone camera…

Then spend ages and ages trying to screenshot the exact nano second the lightening appears…

I’m sure there are far easier ways of doing it :grinning:

Chortle…I guess it’s easier than waiting around with your camera anyway!

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