Orchard Fruit Trees

We were definitely here late spring so it must have been the first one but both seem worth looking for. Another tree we are interested in is the pomegranate tree. In front of the church in Saint Martial de Nabirat in the Dordogne it’s growing as a bush. In the spring it has dark green leaves and dramatic dark red flowers. In the Autum it was full big heavy pomegranates. On one of our walks near Sarlat we saw in the distance the silhouette of a mature pomegranate tree laden with fruit. It looked just like the tree of life that you see in Persian / Egyptian paintings. So it’s a tree that we were very keen to plant. We have bought a pomegranate tree but it seems totally different. It has a very scruffy head with no real shape and the leaves are pale green. So maybe we got the wrong variety or maybe it will transform itself next spring?

There are pomegranate flowering trees and ones grown for fruit which are a bit different, either way both look like nothing much to start with. I’ll try to remember to take a picture of mine tomorrow so you can see what it’s like. I have 2 different varieties but one of them was knocked over by a tractor and may not survive.

Thanks vero that would be interesting


Just been out to photograph it. It is about 2.5 to 3m tall and about 1.2m in diameter (the bushy bit). As you can see there are lots of pomegranates. It was planted 5 or 6 years ago looking like a couple of riding crops.


Looks fine. I see it’s planted against a wall. Unfortunately we’ve had to plant ours in the open and we’ve been surprised by the constant wind so we’ve had to stake it