Ordering from Amazon UK since Jan 2021

Just interested if anyone has purchased anything from Amazon UK this year that is above £50.

I have made a couple of smaller purchases that I think would fall bellow an import threshold - but now looking to spent approx £60. When paying it shows import fees (approx £10)- does anyone know whether I would be landed with further import charges.

I have recently had a partial refund of some of the import charges from Amazon.

I am looking to buy a framed paint roller rather than a springy one:

I have looked at many shops in France but without success and Amazon Germany also - but I can get them on Amazon UK.

Amazon.fr - use this in search >> B0725ZLG87

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Not great reviews for that one. I would ideally pick one up locally but can’t find one.

I can confirm it has all arrived from Amazon UK with no additional charges.

Now to start the decorating…

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Just realised - are you saying Mat that you ordered from M&S’s UK website? I thought we had to order from the French site because we are based in France. Have they dropped that requirement?

Unfortunately not as exciting as M&S this was decorating stuff from Amazon UK that I couldn’t get on Amazon France.

Thanks Mat, I must have conflated two topics. :slight_smile: