Paris attacks: Dozens dead and hostages held at Bataclan

go back and haveanother go: "I had 'nominal' muslim neighbours for many years" Nominal as in as much as Nasser in particular enjoyed a drink.

Sorry, Anonymous Hackers. "secret group" of I suppose criminals really? Love that. Anyway, technology-wise they can hack into almost anything. They have said that following the killing of so many innocents in Paris they're gunning for IS.

Who is Sohela, and which Nasser was put in goal.

Valerie. Can you explain a bit more?
I do not understand your reference to Anonymous, nor have I seen this threat - expect us.
Help appreciated

Nope just stating a point of view that the islamic appeasers do not like.

I have no wish to live under sharia law, perhaps you need that level of order in your life where no thought is required to function, I certainly do not. Didn't work out to well under the Nazi regime or indeed the Communist regimes in the past now, did it? Stating facts is just that, stating facts, and is not a call to arms what ever you may wish to read into it. I had 'nominal' muslim neighbours for many years in the UK and got on well with them and we had dinner at each others houses on many occasions. Nasser and Sohela got out of Persia when the Yanks had no further use for the Shah and the Ayatollah Ruhollah Moosavi Khomeini was installed, and the name changed to Iran, after hiding out in Paris for many years, (Well done France, see how they pay you back).

They both have been back many times after a long gap but Sohela objected to wearing the veil but had/has no choice in the matter especially when she went to see her elderly Mother. First time Nasser went back he was put into a prison cell at the airport but the guards let him out for a chat etc. and only put him back in when a cleric appeared. Touch of hypocrisy there don't you think, or more likey, perhaps just scared. I have had long discussions with a practising Adherent to Zorosterism at their house as well who was no great fan of islam. If you are looking for hate filled peole look no further than your local Church, Mosque, Chapel, Temple or whatever other place the religious bigots, of whatever flavour, are gathering.

I can't help it. I'm waiting to see what Anonymous manage to do now they've released a video vowing to take on IS and get them where it can really hurt - their technology side which I imagine is essential to them globally. I love their simple but foreboding message, "Expect us".

As a social scientist, therefore as a frequent user of 'babble', I can only say that this Sunstein fellow is a psycho-babbler supreme. He also knows very little about society and social movements other than what he bases his perspectives on which are very patently what they insist is 'American'. That is to say those who live a comfortable enough life to believe there is no social deprivation and such things as prejudice and racism that drives people into cul-de-sacs in their own nation. Banlieus in France with high youth unemployment that particularly affects ethic minorities almost does not enter his framework. He demotes everything to a psychological state of being polarised, thus forgetting poverty, lack of education and opportunity. He even more or less dismisses the influence of the leaders of these evil movements. I can't even be bothered to laugh at the banality of this piece and the appalling bad taste of even associating it with Paris, especially the pictures used.

You seem to be generating a fair bit of hate yourself.

This is quite long and covers som eof what is happening at present.

Plenty. Look at the crowd in the UK who espouse their vile message in the mosques and in the street up and own the country, and get away with it, and when the ca-moron invited the Muslim Brotherhood in to set up shop in London, after being listed by the Egyptian Government as a Terrorist Organisation, you have to wonder just what is going on.

Yes it is!!

True Peter, especially as people from the region under discussion have been knocking nine bells of crap (Father's saying and I have no idea of what it means really but sounds good to my ear, however I assume nautical as he was in the Royal Navy man and boy) out of each other since before written records existed, Hittites, Cannanites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians etc. etc. (Always wondered why there were so many IANS involved in those old names?) why change when you are onto a good thing. So true, islam is just the current excuse for a good punch up. Human prerogative since the first bone was picked up to belt someone else over the head with, as was very well depicted in the opening scenes of that great film 2001 a Space Odyssey.

One of the terrorists came into France as a refugee. How many more are sleepers in other European countries?

Brainwashing from infancy does not lead to free thinking as you can easily see from the comments of people who have broken free from the constraints imposed on them since childhood, no matter what fairy tale they have been brought up in. In fact these people, as per ex-smokers, seem to be the most virulent and anti with their comments. That is the end on that one. Lived it, been there, got the T shirt will not change my point of view under any circumstance. Oh, hang on message coming through from above "Leave the poor boy alone or I will burn your bush down". OK,OK, I will stop now.

You really are a true leftie and only read what you want to see. I mentioned the Abrahmaic religions before and really that does not require expanding into the different sects that adhere to that crap. A typical academics modus operandi to expand with useless infill when clarity can be expressed quite well in a few words. I have noticed that your posts seem inordinately long in comparison to other respondents missives. Have just noticed I have been heading that way as well. Must be rubbing off on me with contact. LOL

Death = Death, there is no wonderfull garden in the sky, be bloody cold and hard to breath in if there was. Neither is there a boiling hot residence below, well it does get warmer the further down you go, but that is scientific fact, the closer you get to the core. Most of the religious myths do have a kernal of scientific fact at their core unless you belong in the crazy creationist camps. Why is there 'Academy Schools" and state sponsored at that spouting this rubbish? Oh, hang on there perhaps "God knows !!". We are in fact star dust and that is where we will return to in the end, whether as worm feed in the ground or bird food on a pyre or as a puff of smoke at the crematorium. The circle of life goes on.

If you want to have a religious school then fund it yourself, do not expect the state (THE TAXPAYERS that is) to pay for your fantasy. My view for so many years it becomes as unbeleivable as the claims for longevity in the bible. The islamics had a point as all they had to do was point to the state aided Jewish schools and the same applies to the barbaric halal rituals. "The Jews do it, so why can't we?" All sickening and has no place in civilised European Culture.

I do condemn the right wing crap as well, especially when they show photographs of the Glasgow airport ram raid and link it to a modern Syrian headline and I posted a comment about this pointing out the error of their ways. I must state however I am a massive supporter of the bloke who pulled one of these nut jobs from his burning car and thumped him.

Not just him, but bliar was the prime example of what you describe, parachuting 'bliars babes' and other undesirables in and overriding the local costituancy parties and the candidate selection committees. Disgusting, but only to be expected from such a piece of pond slime. Why is he not in jail? Chilcott = Joke. Do these smug, elitists clowns seriouslly think that the whole population of the UK has an IQ of 20 or thereabouts and collectily suffer from Alzheimer's memory loss problems? It woud appear to be so.

To balance things up I was a member of the old DATA Union later TASS on amalgamation for over 7 years and my Uncle was a card carrying member of the Communist Party and a Shop Steward to boot. Didn't stop him fighting the Japs in Burma etc. where the doctors thought he contracted the JCD pre 'Mad Cow's Disease' in the UK that killed him in a none too pleasent manner.

I like to think I am in balance, whether you agree or not, and I feel bliar let everyone down when he did not bring the utility companies and the railway back into public ownership when he had his 'landslide (into the abyss) majority (?) LOL, which was not a lot better than the ca-morons last time out. They could have still been run at a profit and that money put back into the system and not as before when mainly, but not only, labour governments used these areas of the economy to keep down unemployment figures by having 3 people doing one persons job. That soon stopped as you must be aware as soon as they were privatised. As for the banks etc. please do not get me going on them.

Banning religion as you suggest won't change much. ISIS and the like will simply find another excuse to kill and maim. Religion didn't kill 129 poor souls friday evening, greed and jealousy did..

More or less. The charismatic but basically bitter and evil leaders who get people to do things corrupt the ideas that these foolish young men accept. No, it is not Islam.

All religion banned? Is that not taking away somebody's right to think and believe freely? I said 'To single out an entire religion as bad is to condemn all ordinary good people who adhere to it to something they do not deserve. That is not acceptable in any civilised society.' Banning is no better than imposing religion because both tell people how to think.

Europe will never be federal. With 30 legal systems and 'constitutions' over 28 nations at present the chances are very low, closer to zero. To be closer together in many other ways achieves perhaps what the UN has failed to do to make the world more peaceful.

Religions exist because human beings have no answer to the question of death. They need to see themselves as 'immortals' thus need a life after death. They fear death. In the case of these terrorist the psychological game played with them is that by dying they will instantly have paradise. Follow that logic and then ask why the people who lead them don't simply get themselves shot, blown up or something they think is sacred and holy themselves. I think they are cowards who afraid of death and know that there is nothing there but in this life they use extreme violence to get revenge for what they have not got and because there is nothing to expect after. That belief is taken to ridiculous extremes given the ability of people to rationalise most other things. Gullible people will think they are heroically fighting for their god, yet if they were taught the whole story then they would know that whether Sunni, Shia, Druze or any other type of Moslem they actually believe in the same god as Jews and Christians.

Safer on the 5th of November than a milk bottle? Based on experience from years ago when it tipped over and set my cousins jeans alite. So, so, sorry.

Try reading my post again.

I do not require a history lesson on this. I saw first hand in Scotland in the 50's that the religious wars are still on the go with the Rangers and Celtic 'games' and the fact that if you did not go to the High School after passing the 11+ (I did at 10, as it happens, as moved up a year in the days before the dumbing down of the educational system, if you were 'bright') you were placed into a religiously 'inspired (?)' school either Catholic or Protestant as in Northern Ireland. which of course just fueled the fires of hate.

Incidently a distant relation was a Police Superintendant in the RUC in Belfast, just to add fun to my racial mix as an AngloScot with a soupçon of Irish, no welsh as far as I know, but I do consider myself to be British first and foremost. A close friend in the UK, but now gone on to wherever, RIP Malcolm, was of Huguenot descent.

Everything you have posted above just highlights what it crappy about religion. The 'Abrahamic Religions' are based on old myths and stories made up by a load of stone age goat/sheep herders gathered around their camp fires, much like scouts and cubs making up ghost stories today, if still allowed and approved. If you hear voices in your head, especailly if telling you to go out and kill "unbelievers" of your own particular fantasy, may I suggest that you see a trick cyclist sooner rather than later.

I had great hopes for the EEC and the fact that the money changers would lose their power but not to be as the 'City' made sure that the UK hung onto the pound. I did vote YES to it back then but I would certainly vote NO now as the federalists are living a fantasy and trying to impose that onto millions who just do not want it. It may mean trouble ahead for us expats but I will cross that bridge when I come to it if the UK pulls out and we all survive that long if World War 3 breaks out.

With regard to your last piece the sub-humans of isis are not civilised in any ones terms, except that of another barbarian's perhaps, and all who do not condemn them and their actions are no better than they are. Read into that what you will. As far as I am concerned all religion should be banned and I think you have more than justified that point of view yourself with your input above.

"Organised religion" is no more or less than a system that has been used, very successfully I must say, over centuries if not millennia as a means of population control right down to birth control and also a means of pulling in cash, as exemplified by the evangelicals in the USA, in the present day. As its power wanes in the west it has been replaced by the mediarses and their propaganda machine guided by the establishment and I can see no real good coming from this. We may have passed 1984 but more and more the predictions contained within that book are coming 'to life' with each day that passes. Everytime I go on Skype I wonder who is watching through my webcam.