Paris - meat + vegan restaurants

We are visiting Paris next week with our vegan daughter - but husband is a committed carnivore. Does anyone know of any restaurants which cater for both meat-eaters and vegans?

Paris is awash with vegan restaurants that serve very good quality meals that should satisfy a carnivore. We were really surprised on our last few visits how much it has changed.

I can’t really recall any properly mixed restaurants. Basically meat places often serve a single vegan dish which will be a dull salad. And vegan places will serve (often very nice) meat substitute dishes as having meat in the restaurant kitchen means they need separate fridges, preparing and cooking areas otherwise the place risks not being vegan.

I think your family will have to take it in turns to choose whose priority it is (although it might to OH some good to cut down on meat!)

Look on for places

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Thank you Jane! Yes, OH does need some hard persuasion to try anything that isn’t real steak but we’ll work on him!