Parliament do not prorogue petition

Not a question of “who first?”
The list of candidates is far too long…let’s just get to it


People seem to forget Tony Blair prorogued Parliament for 12 weeks.

No, he didn’t


Not according to this article?

You are quite right Paul.
IIRC it was to do with increasing the period of internment without charge to 90 days (just over 12 weeks), not proroguing Parliament, and TB suffered his first defeat in Parliament

I stand corrected, I may have got my wires crossed.

You might be thinking of John Major who was accused of proroguing parliament to avoid scrutiny in the “Cash for Questions” scandal (1997 I think) - his counter-claim being that he actually delayed almost as long as he possibly could as a general election had to be called.

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No need for barbarity, surely.

Maybe we could send them via Maersk to China in (survivable) containers, so they could be recycled as something useful?

The Chinese have the technology, I think.

Trouble is Peter, they all carry labels declaring ‘Highly Toxic - Do not Recycle’.

To me, they are Bio-waste…

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How is someone who instigated Cambridge Analytica allowed anywhere near our government?
It beggars belief.
Modern day jerrymandering.

According to a snap you gov poll 47% oppose the suspension of parliament and only 27% for…

That leaves 26% who are going “uh, dunno”. Cummings will probably add that to the supporters and spin it to claim 53% are in favour.

It is totally beyond my ken how this Cummins creature who has already displayed his readiness to go beyond legal limits (Cambridge Analytica) has even been allowed past the gates of Downing Street.

Are there no checks on political advisors?

MI5 MI6 but of course they are in the gift of the PM