Passeport Problems - Storm in a Teacup?

Having applied for my kids passports on the 20th May, the news report on SKY (I'm one of those unfortunate enough to have lost BBC) and featuring Skype reports on Mr X, who applied five weeks ago, and who calls the passport office every day, and is leaving in two weeks and still has no me a little worried. (worried about my passport as well as the quality of Sky news!)

But then out of the blue, a DHL texto and at 12:30 there it was. Admittedly, delivery during the sacred French lunch break is a little off, but well done Passport office, 21 days to process an application from overseas!

So, I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing any difficulties or is this is one of those political games - with one side citing redundancies due to government cuts in personnel for delays and the other quoting that its due to excessive demand as we all go on holiday as we feel the benefit of that extra cash in our pockets??

What do you think??

I see that SKY news have now subtly changed their report on the passport crisis. They now speak of ALLEGED delays - I guess this means that they have little proof that delays are any worse now than at any other time during the year.

Could it be a case of filler TV - with little substance - cheap and nasty to produce.

And can anyone with BBC say what is their slant on this?

NO! Some people have had dreadful problems. The service is good for some and terrible for others. That is inconsistency. If it is inconsistent then it is not a storm in a teacup.