Passport Renewal

All UK persons living out side the UK have had there passport extended by 12 months, only if it is due to expire shortly.

£85? Did you do that via the UK? IIRC I paid £128 last year.

it is from the 16th of June and I am going to try Bordeaux but I will again try to get through to their phone before I try.

yes equally - aaarrrrggghhh- three passports renewed just last week....

I don't understand how this will work. I sent my passport for renewal on 21 May, long before this current debacle. I sent it recommandée avec accusé de reception and have yet to receive the notice back from the passport office. Their website does however say they have received it thankfully.

So what happens now? Do I get the old passport back and stamped to say it is extended for a year? If so, when will they issue the new one and will I have to pay again? If this means the extended passport and the new one are both to be couriered will I have to pay two lots of courier fees?

I'm not intending to travel abroad but I need my passport, as we all do in France, as a pièce d'identité. In particular, my CMU runs out at the end of August and I will need to renew it in July. What a bloody mess!

wow - not sure i'd fancy trying to explain that to the douanes, late on a Friday (or early on a monday for that matter) as i come back to / leave France. !

AAARRGH- Just paid to renew James's.....could have saved myself 85 quid :)

terresa May just been announced in parliament, so as I would think if your passport is about to expire it will be extended by a year.

Yet another cock up by the government.

Hello, I do not understand, are we going to get a form that says our passports are being renewed? Where does the info comes from?

thank you
