Patel out of leadership race


No need for that. She has done her best which is what we all do. She had a lot of baggage to carry through. How are the new government doing with stripping pensioners on 13k of winter fuel allowance? Paying train drivers and junior doctors enormous amounts. Croneyism with appointments, blah, blah…Not to mention stopping the boats. Right or left they are all the same. Nesting their own eggs

If that was her best, I’d hate to see her at her worst.


I’ll agree with you about the WFA - sadly I think Ms Reeves economic training and experience are entirely too conventional and, although a 1-2% tax on assets over £10m would easily raise the £22bn I suspect she knows one or two people in that situation who might not be friends with her if she increased their (microscopic) tax burden. She probably doesn’t have many pensioners on £13k in her address book.

As to the rest - the Tories have had 14 years to stuff the Lords with their cronies so some redress is appropriate - let’s face it any party that can elevate Charlotte Owen to the peerage can’t complain about Labour adding its own supporters to the Lords. Starmer needs about 100 Labour appointees to balance the chamber - he’s previously pledged to abolish the Lords, let’s hope that he doesn’t forget that promise now he’s in power.

As to settling - junior doctors are hardly known as a left leaning, heavily unionised group and had a legitimate grievance which the Tories wanted to spin out for their own ends, similarly the train drivers.

In any case both groups are likely to spend any increased salary which goes into the wider economy - the Tory handouts to people who did not need it just languished in their bank accounts and stock portfolios.

Stopping the boats - come on, he’s only had two months and, again, the Tories poisoned the well - it’s not a simple problem (unless you know a simple way to stop war or discrimination across the middle east) and will take a while.

that’s certainly what the right would want you to believe - while they are letting the country rot and pocketing the dosh.

Tories, yes. Labour - rather less so.


From the BBC just now:

Mr Tugendhat said he was “ready to serve, lead and act to make Britain a better place” and paid tribute to Dam Priti,

Who is this left you speak of?

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Thats half the problem, its an act. All tory sound bites should note the silent portion make Britain a better place for the rich.

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She’s a shit, good riddance.

That’s bollox too. Do you even understand what it takes to become a doctor or the hours they work?

What you mean is “feathering their own nest”, which is probably true, not “nesting their own eggs” which is what the Tories have done for fourteen years.


Talking of Charlotte Owen…

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She - the baroness one - is rumoured to be one of his bastard offspring.

Can you imagine it wnhen all his offspring slime are in there :face_vomiting:

But I hope the whole house is blown up before then :grinning:

Has Labour started to reform it already? I heard they’re progressing with removing the right to hereditory peers - which is a start, but I hope they don’t just stop there.

An alternative theory is half sister.

“herediTORY peers”! Love it!