Patrick Moore

I’ve seen people bigging up this guy, but please don’t forget that he was a racist, National Front supporter too. It’s easy to not remember these things. Jimmy Savile was so nicey, nicey that folk, even now, stick up for the pillock!

True Bruce, but if we only remember him for being a founder member of United Country Party and more recently UKIP, but not NF although he supported some of their views, for instance was anti-immgration rather than actually racist, then we lose sight of an interesting human being. He was a very vocal opponent of fox hunting, and thought that modern rock music was great, albeit a classical pianist himself. I have read a couple of the obituaries and he had his faults, big ones even, but what he injected into people who became interested in astronomy and even went on to study is not to be knocked.

Savile. I never once thought he was nicey, nicey and profoundly distrusted such a big ego.