Paylib Experience

Just wondering if anybody uses this ?

I currently don’t do anything financial on my phone - but superficially this looks better than the offerings of giant US corporations.
I’m conscious of the way public phone boxes rapidly disappeared from the UK as everybody got mobiles. Is it just a matter of time before we’re forced to shop with our phones ? If so, maybe this will be the best option ?

Looks interesting for those who use smartphones…

Is it just a matter of time before we’re forced to shop with our phones ?

just for info… I’m sure I read somewhere that “France” would ensure that folk could use “ordinary” means to do essential things…
because not everyone has or can use a smartphone/computer/whatever…

But that ‘essential things’ is worrying - and moreover, changes like this tend to take place by stealth - eg. long queues unless you adopt the favoured payment method - until almost everybody adopts it.

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ah well, I can’t stop you worrying…
but the govt has said, it has a duty to ensure that no section of its citizens is discriminated against… and for those who are unable… blah blah blah… (as I have said…)

Pretty well the whole of Australia has gone cashless now.

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