Pesto linked to botulism in France

Six people in hospital

Seems to be local to Indre-et-Loire

You have to be really careful given the risk that a rat has peed on your ail des ours (for example)

Pleased to say the much derided Connexion actually managed to beat the national British broadcaster by a good 24 hours here. Not sure if that means ‘the home of yesterday’s news’ is actually pulling its socks up and checking its emails for press releases to reprint a little more often these days, or just that standards, and budgets, have slipped so much at the beeb that they’re forced to print The Connexion’s sloppy seconds

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Wouldn’t surprise me, tho’ what do I know? I stopped listening to R4 news several years ago and all UK TV long before that. The Guardian will probably be the next to go 5these days it seems like some young ladies’ bloody magazine (Bah! Humbug! etc)

Meanwhile, just casting myself adrift from all UK based media and floating off into Europe (opposite direction to all those tragic, massively ill-informed people in boats).

Nitrites as additives come in for a lot of stick.

But the pretty well prevent this from happening.

Nitrites in themselves aren’t really the problem, it’s when they’re cooked in the food (burnt, browned) and they react to become nitrosamines.

Better to make your own in small amounts or freeze larger ones. That way you avoid all the crap and can make it taste the way you want it to be

If I wasn’t married (to my otherwise wonderful wife) my pesto would probably include some jalapeno, or harissa and chili fried garlic.

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Latest update
 Botulism has now been confirmed in the pesto product