Plan cadastral & biens immobiliers

We have structures on our property, e.g., abri, outbuilding, shown on our plan cadastral, listed in the acte de vente, yet not listed under our biens immobiliers. Any idea why this might be?

Your local Impots folks will know for sure (ours in 47 have been very helpful), but I was under the impression that it’s only habitable buildings and swimming pools that were required to be registered.

I know our original data fill by the Impots was all messed up to start with and the system didn’t cater for certain building use cases to start with.

Not it is not just for habitable buildings and swimming pools! The “biens immobilier” should show all the elements of your property that are subject to tax. So a garden shed over 5m2 should be listed as should all built dependence that have walls and a roof. You should notify your tax office (can do it in the messagerie) who will most likely send you a new H1 to fill in. It may well result in a small increase to your tax foncière but will also stop you being fined if these are detected.

Last year the fisc made €millions in fines for undeclared swimming pools, and they are now moving on to other structures apparently.

“Ce jeudi, le fisc a confirmé par la voix de Jérôme Fournel, directeur général des finances publiques, vouloir développer son système afin de le rendre capable d’identifier les maisonnettes, les dépendances ou encore les abris de jardin qui n’auraient pas été déclarées.”

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Thank you, that’s most helpful. :grinning: