Poitou Charente Cuisine

Does Poitou Charente have a distinctive regional cuisine?
Has anyone ever found a book relating to same that they could recommend?
If you live there, do you have a favourite traditional dish?
TIA :plate_with_cutlery:

I found this book on Amazon (I’ve not read it): https://amzn.eu/d/0Z4uLLu

In Vienne I haven’t noticed much apart from tourteau fromagé (which is very nice).

You could - while I ponder or, better, someone more knowledgeable answers - check on Les Carnets de Julie, available on YouTube, to see if she ever did a programme about the region.

Add: here’s a link Recettes de cuisine du Poitou-Charentes - Marie Claire

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Thanks Porridge :slight_smile:

(which is definitely not Charente cuisine…) :grinning:


Bisque de Crevettes
Lotte a L’imperatrice
Cevettes Flambees
Crevettes Echaudees
Moules Grilllees a la Facon de Jaces-Yves
Sardines a L’ail poelees
Escargots Charentais
Gateau de Poireaux
This is a few to get you started :slight_smile:

Thanks IwillSurvive!