Possible quitte territoire français

It would be incredibly unlikely that you would not be allowed to stay if you have been here for 20 years. I recently helped a homeless person get his card. A VERY serious crime would be about the only thing that could block you. Do get in touch with the association for your area, even if just to put your mind at rest.

Thankyou for all of your replies, the effort you have taken to help is very much appreciated.

No I’m not a criminal, just a late middle aged chap who decided to change lifestyles and live on the margins of society. Although I have carte vitale, my fiscal number, siret number, French driving licence, fluency etc I’ve been off the radar for several years now preferring a very simple but rich life. I’m not sure I’d approve my cds if I were the prefet!

Sounds like you are worrying unnecessarily :slight_smile:


I agree with Billy, honestly you are more in the system with all those French documents than many I have dealt with! Stop worrying you will be fine honestly!


Thanks Billy and Tory…I’ll stop fretting now!


Perhaps this persons story might suggest others not yet applied might have a compelling argument?

The thing is now that it has been left open (normally only for those that have a reason they didnt’ make the deadline) there is no way they can get all cards out on the 01/10 - even those applying now unlikely to have them in hand!

My words which you have quoted, were posted on 28th June 2021… and correctly reflected my thoughts/experience at that time…

My experience has broadened… since the end of June.

I can now attest that Dementia is a good reason for not applying in time…
one local was found to be in such a situation…
All done and dusted … and simply waiting the call from the Prefecture… as are so many who did manage to get their Applications in on time.

EDIT: We know nothing of the Application by the OP… on time, late… ??? merely that, for some reason, he fears his application will be rejected… after 20+ years in France…

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My application was on time but I only submitted the form with copy of passport and date of issue of siret number from 2003. I knew my application was ambiguous and more would be required of me but having been travelling for 4 years now I didn’t have the required documentation. All is now submitted.

I just hope no-one asks me where I’ve been as I’ve travelled to 20+ countries and hadn’t been back to France for two years just before the first confinement. I haven’t submitted tax returns for five years. I deeply love my life as a barouder, sharing a lifetimes skills and lessons and learning as well…but the French tend not to have a box for people like me, hence my angst.

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:rofl: :rofl: early-dementia will cover that enquiry… :rofl: :rofl:


Your situation sounds fine to me as you only have to have been in France for one day just prior to the 31st December 2020 :smiley: You won’t be expected to have submitted a French tax return if you haven’t been living in the country and as far as I understand it, the Prefectures are not even looking at tax status for these particular Carte de Sejours, so that’s something to talk to the tax people about separately.

The only problem you are likely to have in the future is that, if they give you a 5 year Carte rather than a 10 year one, you won’t be able to maintain residence and live somewhere else for another 2 years stretch - I think there is a 6 month limit in one go :thinking: . With a 10 year one I think I’m right in saying you can be absent for several years and maintain residency rights. If I’m wrong, someone is bound to correct me!

Please don’t worry. There are lots of entirely inappropriate people who have been successful in their applications and you are very appropriate…

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As you have been here over 5 years that means that you have permanent residency rights. Under the WA this means that you can be away for up to 5 years and not lose you residency rights. Did you have a bill or something from 2020 that you submitted? They will always come back with a request for extra documents if they feel yours are a bit light. If they do this feel free to pick my brains about what you can use. What department are you in? Sadly this does make a difference to how strict they are!!

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Thankyou for your advice again Tory. I’m in Haute Vienne. No I haven’t submitted anything for quite a while so I can’t prove I’ve been in the country. I’m not complaining in the slightest, like I said I love my lifestyle but the thought of being ‘repatriated’ to a country I find odious does get me a bit jittery (edit: England not Scotland) I love France, I’m loyal to the country and proud of France.

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Tory will be able to advise on what you can submit to satisfy them. To be honest, you don’t need very much at all - have you evidence of where you were at any point more than 5 years ago?

Hi Angela. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes, more than five years ago is OK.

Bills? Bank statements? Ameli statements? Do you own a home?

Apologies, by quoting you specifically I’ve now realised I seem to have singled you out, which was not my intention! I was aware there was a bit of a debate as to merits of extending deadlines, looked back at the thread and quoted yours without perhaps realising the context it might be seen in.

I might have also agreed with you then, why extend, after all I made the effort to research and get everything together in time, but on reflection I think well loads of things could have gone wrong for me (e.g. for first accommodation offered, the proprietor then simply ceased all comms - they got in touch in March, explained loads of family in London had died from Covid).

So I just wanted to make the point that ‘there but for the grace of god go us’ or whatever the phrase is, though perhaps more clumsily made - please put it down to me learning the nuances of online forumming - once again apologies.

And thanks to the people in the forum who have helped and encouraged me along a lot, yourself included. :slight_smile:


Not sure where to post this grauniad article about expulsions of UK citizens from the EU, I recall some posts about the danish / sweden residents but can’t find them. Not starting a new thread - this is just for info.

How many countries make up the EU??? 2,250 in total, doesn’t make many per country… ( just thinking aloud…) and the press article doesn’t have much detail available as to why these folk have been expelled or even if the “order” has been followed through in most cases …

As I know full well, France has been extremely generous… in accepting late applications and minimum information… well done France.

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Think its back up to 27 :wink: