Possible to hold both salarié and micro entrepreneur status?

Hi Everyone!

I currently live in Paris and have the salarié status, and will work soon with a CDI contract but I also have an oppotunity with a small business. But they need me to have a freelance status in order to work with them. Ideally I would like to combine them both as the latter is flexible and aligns more with what I’m interested in.

I’m not sure how to go about it :neutral_face:

All help is appreciated!

Hi Rebecca.
I am no expert but I am a micro entrepreneur preparing to seek salarie work as my business has been hit hard by the crisis. As far as I know, you are allowed to do both, and as a micro-entrepreneur I am allowed to be registered as a jobseeker at the same time. You could try contacting Urssaf and asking them what the procedures and rules are. I think the main pitfalls are taxes and contributions, but that is as much as I know.

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Yes - link above is where you form the AE/ME and where you do the ongoing returns.

But yes you can do AE alongside normal employment


Hi Rebecca,
Yes this is possible. The site below explains clearly how, there are certain exceptions, but they do have a great FAQ section which will help you understand.

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Thank you for your reply! From my understanding, it is possible to access your unemployment benefits if you don’t generate enough from your business?

Ah, not so sure about that, to actually claim benefits rather than just be a jobseeker, as far as I know I have to close the business, which I probably will, even just for a while.

Hello All,

Like Rebecca, I also have a similar kind of situation.
I have a full-time job in the IT Industry in CDI Contract. I have titre de sejour titled “Salarie Qualifie/ Enterprise Innovante exercice d’une activite salarie”. I hold the nationality of Nepal. I have several opportunities to work as a freelance part-time from outside the France clients. Can I work full-time on one company and freelance/part-time on another company?
Thank you in advance. :pray:

Hello Yuvraaz,

I don’t believe your current titre de séjour entitles you to become an auto-entrepreneur. From reading the site below it looks like you need to exchange your existing titre de séjour for a new visa.

Vous avez donc un titre de séjour, mais celui-ci ne vous permet pas de créer une auto-entreprise (carte de séjour salarié, travailleur temporaire ou étudiant). Vous devez alors demander un changement de statut auprès de la préfecture de votre lieu de domicile afin d’obtenir une carte de séjour « entrepreneur / libéral ».

Unfortunately I read that to mean you’d not be able to continue working in your current role because you’d have to relinquish your existing titre de séjour, but I would advise you get professional advice to be sure.

PS - welcome to the forum :wave:

You can only combine the two statuts of salarié and indépendent if you have full working rights in France. If you are in France on a visa that has conditions attached then what you are allowed to do or not allowed to do, obviously depends on the conditions of your visa. If your visa was granted to allow you to take up employment in France then it does not allow you to also become self employed.