Hi does anyone have any ideas how to cook a poule (hen) do you have to boil it?
Hi does anyone have any ideas how to cook a poule (hen) do you have to boil it?
Thanks Fidi and Carol. Brian it is in the pot at the moment too big for the slow cooker did prod with a fork and the fat squirted everywhere, will let you know the outcome.
Gordon, I never looked at recipes before having learned how to cook 'broilers' from my mother and taken it from there. It seems that the two or three hour cooking is the common thread and given you want to slow cook then adapt on that basis is probably the best idea, unless you've done it already and can report back.
I am not an expert in the kitchen, and will never pretend to be one :) but try one of these:
Bon appetit!
Long, again depending on the hen. If it has a bit of a 'leathery skin' give it a couple of hours really steady boil, then reduce and a steady low to middle for another couple. It should all be off the bones by then, but clean off. Test the meat and then if it is not ready have a guess at how long it will need. My pressure cooker time used to be around 80 minutes for a quite old, tough hen and then using the pot open to finish for 20 on so minutes at a simmer. If I had already fished out the bones, I added vegetables to make it into a stew, curry or whatever I wanted it for.
Thanks Brian how long for and on high or low.
Sure, just keep a fork or knife at hand for the occasional prod if you can. I used to sometimes cook one of my own hens when I had them some years back but too broke for shopping :-( Add lots of stock too, they are 'different' to young birds, either tasty or not at all - try predicting...
I dont know how old bought it by mistake instead of poulet, maybe a slow cooker?
How old? Makes a difference. It is has been a layer for a couple of years then in the pot, ideally pressure cooker, and boil.