Here in Normandy, upper Touques valley, we are constantly having power outages, from a few minutes to whole nights or days.
When we first came here 13 years ago all our power lines/high tension etc, were updated to the latest stuff.
Nope, still get those outages.
All our local friends, farmers, local small businesses now have stand by generators. No power no milking the cows, No power and 150,000 snails do a runner when the electric fence is no longer running. So hence the stand by generators. At first the locals thought us mad/raving bonkers putting our own Eco generating system, now they see where we are going and great discussions take place, and our local Council are very supportive.
Power Cuts doesn't bother us much as we have our own supply running day and night, 1300ah 48v batteries, (63kWh), 4kW Inverter, powered by 3 off 3.7m dia wind turbines 4kW, and 7kW of Photovoltaiques panels on Solar trackers.
Total cost 13,730 euros.
For calculation purposes I allow 0.30 euro per kW from EDF at their peak tarrif as the added taxes, standing charges add up to nearly 50% of a family home Bill.
So at 0.30e per kW power supplied from EDF, I can therefore BEAT that EDF price with our own system.
And NO we are not Grid tied, we would like to be, then could export excess power to our local neighbours, but EDF rules and administration and costs are extortionate excessive, about 5,000e to get a grid connection.!!!!!
So when the valley is in darkness, no EDF power, we leave our lights on. !!
Sorry, I can not see the French main power Grid system getting better and in my experience its getting worse in rural areas. A not for profit site.