Problem with Chimney Sweep & Godin Stove

Over years we’ve had an elderly chimney sweep who has swept our Godin stove- The model is a Grand Regence, installed some 14-15 years ago.

The old guy has retired and the new one who has come for the first time today has been struggling with how to get to the flue. He started to dismantle the metal chimney at the back because he claimed it is impossible to work from the interior of the stove.

I’ve told him to stop and to leave. I’m sure the old guy used to work from inside the stove.

I don’t suppose by any miracle someone has our model and knows how it works. Thanks for any thoughts.

I think this video will give you the method. All from inside the firebox.

Sorry Graeme. Thanks for the link but it’s not the same make and nothing like ours. Ours is a Godin Grand Regence (not a Regency).

Sorry Sue, I have gotten Regent, Regence and Regency stoves all mixed up.

Only suggestion I have is to email Godin for advice.

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I’ve got the Régence 3144 where the stove pipe / flue comes out through the top plate.

I have to lift out the deflector plate to allow access to the flue. This rests on two projections on the rear face of the fire box and then hinges forward to sit on a frame above the door opening.

As the sides have warped slightly, I had to take the angle grinder to the edges of the deflector plate so that it drops free and can be lifted out through the door.

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Thanks NotALot. Ours is the 3145. I’ve found a manual online which cheerfully informs me to get a professional chimneysweep :roll_eyes: Our model has a left and right smoke conduit fixed at the top of the side walls. I think it was one of these that the old chimneysweep used to take off and then feed the hose through that and round the back of what the manual calls the “plaque foyer avant” which is overlapped by the “plaque protection derriere” (see below) Neither of those “plaques” seem to be easy to lift off.
I’ve been into the company reception and told them that their chimneysweep needs more training. I’m hoping they come up with an alternative, if not I’ll be hunting around for a new chimneysweep who is old enough to know what to do with a 15 year-old Godin!